- Apples: Fruit set and fruit development is progressing. In orchards that did not keep up with a fungicide spray program or that did not get good coverage on trees, scab is showing up at a higher incidence level. Symptoms of fire blight are noted in some orchards. Scouts noted the presence of of red and 2-spotted spider mites on some apple trees. On some varieties of apples mites reached the economic treatment threshold.
- Strawberries: Berry picking is ongoing, but approaching the end of the harvest. Scouts noted the presence of leather rot on some berries. No spotted wing drosophila found in any of the traps.
- Grapes: Scouts noted symptoms of grape black rot in some locations. Grape berry moth numbers in pheromone traps stayed at relatively low numbers.
- Brambles, Blackberries and Raspberries: Some anthracnose and cane blight noted by scouts at low levels in some plantings. No brown marmorated stink bugs (BMSB) found in BMSB traps.
- Blueberries: Some early varieties are turning color, no problems noted by scouts. No spotted wing drosophila found in any of the traps.