- Corn and Soybeans: Although there is still much corn yet to be planted, there are some acres with corn at the emerging up to v2 stage of development. Slug feeding was noted on emerged corn at light levels of 3-11% defoliation. Scouts will also be looking for black cutworm damage in the coming weeks. None of the enrolled soybean acres have been planted yet.
- Alfalfa: Scouts noted alfalfa weevils at first through 3rd instar larval stages. Stem counts averaged from less than 1 up to 1.4 weevil larvae per stem. This is below threshold treatment levels for the development stage of alfalfa. Alfalfa height noted in scout reports ranged from 8 to 28 inches. Some new seeding stands were at the 2 – 3rd trifoliate leaf stage of development. Leaf spot was noted in some stands.