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WM India
Day One
Introduction/Welcome: Dr. Joseph Fiksel, The Ohio State University
US Keynote Speaker: Dr. Rattan Lal, Distinguished Professor, The Ohio State University
India Keynote Speakers: Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Director, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Dr. Harshad Thakur, TATA Institute of Social Science
Lunch Presentation: Dr. Sonal Thengane, IIT Bombay
Panel Session One: Best Practices in Waste Management: Toward a Circular Economy
Session Chair: Mr. Mathy Stanislaus, Senior Advisor on Circular Economy, World Economic Forum
Mr. John Opsteen, Kimberly-Clark Group
Mr. Gokul Venkataraman, Owens-Corning
Ms. Anita Kedia, Waste Management, INC
Mr. Anirban Ghosh, Mahindra Group
Ms. Deeksha Vats, Aditya Birla Group
Panel Session Two: Waste Management Outlook for Mumbai and India
Session Chair: Dr. Sanjeev Chaudhari, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Mr. Punklik Awate, Chief Engineer, Municipal Corporation
Mr. R.A. Rajeev, Joint Secretary, Dept of Atomic Energy
Day Two
Topical Session 1: Advances in Municipal Waste and Wastewater Management
Chair: Mr. Bharat Kris Rao, Bharco Ecotechnologies, LLC
Mr. Jose Jacob, Antony Waste Management
Mr. Mathy Stanislaus, Senior Advisor on Circular Economy, World Economic Forum
Topical Session 2: Advances in Industrial Waste and Wastewater Management
Chair: Dr. Tarunjit Butalia, The Ohio State University
Mr. Sydney Lobo, The Tata Power Company
Topical Session 3: Advances in Plastic and Packaging Waste Management
Chair: Mr. Tushar Bandopadhyay, Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment
Dr. Medha Tadpatrikar, Keshava Plastics
Mr. Ulhas Parlikar, ACC Cement
Topical Session 4: Advances in Industrial Waste Recycling and Reuse
Chair: Mr. Pradeep Kumar Panigrahi, Mahindra Group
Ms. Tejashree Joshi, Godrej Group
Mr. Anirban Chatterjee, Research Triangle Institute, USA
Topical Session 5: Advances in Waste Recovery and Biomass Conversion
Chair: Dr. Rattan Lal, The Ohio State University
Dr. Ashish Jain, Indian Pollution Control Association
Topical Session 6: Innovative Design for Waste Elimination or Beneficial Reuse
Chair: Dr. Kishor Munshi, CTech Labs Pvt, Ltd.
Ms. Jessica Hines, Purpose PBC
Ms. Kavya Raman, Barefoot College
Next Steps: Funding for Waste Management Innovation
Mr. James B. Fennell, Cultural Affairs Officer, U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai
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