Online Learning Strategies: Netiquette

In module three of my online learning course, my class was schooled in online etiquette. Many of the interactions that we have online require that certain steps are taken. Business and education require more effort than what is needed when you text or email your friends.

In emails: Emojis and emoticons need to be absent. Emails need to be written in letter form. Always greet your addressee properly.

Remember that social media websites, such as blogs, can be very effective tools, if they are used properly!

Blogs can be very helpful is analyzing and organizing information that you have been learning in your courses. Putting your thoughts down on a social media site can allow discussions to occur that will help give you insight on your topic. Educational discussion may help you form new ideas or understand other viewpoints concerning your schoolwork.

Remember that although having access to the internet may be helpful, there may be downsides to using it as an educational tool. Interactions between you and your professors or overseers may seem impersonal. People may be slow to respond to your email, phone calls may be more effective. Also, technology sometimes fails us. Unsent emails and failing internet connection happen, do not let it be your downfall. Be prepared to finish tasks by other means.

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