As far as Welcome Week goes, I thought it was a blast! Although definitely chaotic sometimes, it was a great way to see different parts of OSU’s campus and different student groups, one instance being the involvement fair on the oval. The oval was definitely packed between 4-7 on that August Sunday. But aside from the free goodies, I did learn about numerous student groups that I am in interesting in joining, two being Buckeyes for Canines and Servitecture.
Adjusting to life away from home has not been too tough due to the fact that I live about an hour away from campus. For the most part, college has been what I have expected. I took college courses in high school (I had to physically go to the local college), plus my older brother is currently in college, telling me about his experiences. Time management seems to be the only factor that might pose trouble for me later on in the semester.
During the numerous tours of OSU and Knowlton School of Architecture, the guides discussed classes, including GEs and how studios tend to operate. Because of these tours, I feel that I was well prepared for classes this fall, with the occasional blindside-i.e. REP for Psychology 1100. The blindsides are not too damaging to my overall feeling of being prepared for classes. The coursework might be stressful at times, but with my involvement in high school with sports, college classes, and clubs, I feel great with what is to come this year and in the future. Go Bucks!