
James McCarty began to talk about a case at Cleveland state about 20 years ago, where 9 Cleveland State baseball players had alleged rape charges. He talks about how poorly the players were treated, as they were brought out of the cell in handcuffs just so the media could take pictures of them. There was a tape recording that had been tampered with, with evidence that the sex was consensual. Jay, who played the tape for James, believed that the defendants should have some type of media supporting their side of the case. James stated that the defense lawyer, Jay, showed it to him. They knew that people might view this as unethical. In the end, Jay ended up being praised because the release of the tapes are what got the students off of the case. This was extremely interesting because lawyers sharing unreleased evidence with the media was unheard of, which paved the way for ethical hurdles down the road.

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