About Me

My name is Chase Wagner, and I am currently a junior at The Ohio State University majoring in Finance and minoring in Public Policy. I am originally from Carey, Ohio where I was able to operate a small market hog operation with my family as well as work for my father’s construction/renovation business. At Ohio State I am involved in the Health Sciences Scholars program where I serve on the leadership council as the Community Service Committee Lead. I have also served as a clinical volunteer at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with the Reach Out and Read Program. Through my involvement I’ve been able to pursue my passion of service learning, improve my leadership and teamwork skills, and improve my communication skills. I began at Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana in January of 2019 as development operations intern and transitioned to the position of department assistant in April. This summer I plan to continue my work with the organization, and I will be serving as an intern at Ds-connex through the Wolstein internship program in the Fisher College of Business. I look forward to gaining vast amounts of knowledge and experience to put to use in my future through these opportunities.


G – Global Awareness

As a student at Ohio State my worldview has changed and expanded through interaction with peers, coursework, and by educating myself on current, global affairs. The second semester of my sophomore year I made a concerted effort to push the boundaries of my knowledge to those beyond the U.S. alone. I took a course called Religion & Law in which I analyzed the unique and complex legal structures of various nations, comparing how they treated religion to how religion interacts with law in the U.S. context. I learned a significant amount about unique religions, cultural practices, and the histories of other nations in working to do this comparative analysis. Beyond my coursework, with my interest in public affairs and public policy I have made an effort to actively keep up with global current events. I read the news daily so I am knowledgeable of the world around me and the role government policy can play in shaping the lives of citizens around the globe. I hope to keep actively engaging in this activity and more and to eventually expand my global knowledge through a study-abroad program.

O – Original Inquiry

Throughout my time at Ohio State I’ve strategically selected coursework and extra-curricular experiences to challenge myself and work to gain a wide array of knowledge in diverse subjects. In completing my second year, I have begun to focus on subjects that I find exciting and that I believe will prepare me for the future ahead. I am currently majoring in finance and have decided to pursue a minor in public policy. In the Fisher College of Business, I have especially enjoyed my accounting courses, and I will be serving a teaching assistant for introductory accounting courses this coming academic year. Through the college I will also be involved in the Healthcare Industry Immersion Program. I hope to gain real-world knowledge of how business interacts with healthcare and where I could possibly couple my business and medical interests through this unique opportunity. I have also engaged in various experiences beyond Ohio State to build upon the knowledge I’ve gained in the classroom and gain new skills. In January of 2019 I began interning at Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana in the development operations department. I was promoted to a department assistant and took on a much larger role in the organization in April. In my time with the organization I’ve further developed my knowledge of Microsoft Excel, gained knowledge of working with databases, familiarized myself with day-to-day business practices, and learned how to not only function as part of a team but how to manage a team of interns. I look forward to learning more both in and out of the classroom in coming years.

A – Academic Enrichment

In my second semester at Ohio State, I conducted an interview with an upperclassman, Hannah Dible, to hear about her experiences and learn more about the steps I should be taking to prepare myself for the future. Hannah is currently a second year student in the Fisher College of Business, and as a hopeful business student, I went to her seeking help and advice. We discussed the steps I should be taking over the summer, including creating a Linked-In account and updating my resume, and what I should do in when I return to campus in the fall. We talked about what my future classes would look like and how I should go about searching for and securing a future internship. I learned a great deal from Hannah, and I hope to put the knowledge I was able to gain from her to good use as I take the next step in my college career.

S – Service

Serving others and making a difference in the community has always been a passion of mine. At Ohio State, I have pursued this passion by volunteering at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with the Reach Out and Read Program. As a clinical volunteer, I interact with patients and families in the waiting rooms of the Livingston Ambulatory Center to promote literacy and provide a positive patient experience. I read donated books to those who cannot read, and I read alongside those that can to allow the children to engage with the text and get excited about reading. Through the program, I am also able to offer books to the patients to take home after their visit. In the nearly fifty hours of volunteer work I have done, I hope I have encouraged youth and their families to continue to interact with literature, and I am excited to continue doing so in the future.

Year in Review

Looking back on my first year at Ohio State, it is evident that I have grown exponentially as a student and a leader. This year was full of changes and adjustments, and I was able to adapt well to my new environment and overcome adversity. Coming from a small town and a small high school, the size of Ohio State was a concern of mine, but I was able to find my place in the university and learn to embrace the university’s size. I am extremely thankful I was able to be a part of the Health Sciences Scholars Program because my success in overcoming this obstacle and many others can be attributed to it. In the scholars program itself, I was able to obtain the position of service committee lead on our leadership council, and in doing so I have developed valuable skills. This position has given me the outlet I need to put my passion for service to good use and help many other members of our program in the process. I look forward to building upon my current involvement in the leadership council and continuing to develop as an individual and leader next year.