Trainings and Workshops

I present a lot of trainings and workshops. These activities in which I am able to educate and interact with users in a face-to-face setting are my favorite part of my position’s responsibilities.

Today I am attending a workshop. I am learning about a great system that will provide everyone at The Ohio State University with an amazing tool to share their professional thoughts, experiences, expertise, and questions. I am attending this workshop because in the very near future, our team will be fully supporting this system, including giving workshops.

What is this amazing technology you ask…U.OSU.EDU! Correct, the very site you are using to currently read my rambling thoughts! 🙂

I look forward to becoming an expert on this technology and sharing my expertise with all of you about how to create a personal/professional blog, group blog, or even a blog for a class.

I also find it very interesting to experience how different people present a training session on the same exact material/system. I have watched multiple people present on different aspects of Carmen, I have watched multiple people present on U.OSU.EDU.  All sessions have been fantastic, but it really helps me to think about and evaluate the methods that I use while giving a workshop. It also sometimes helps me to think about including other aspects of the systems that we support in my workshops that I did not include in previous presentations.

Who else at Ohio State presents workshops? What do you find works, and what doesn’t? Are there any particular methods or technologies that you use during your sessions that help to verify that attendees are learning what you are trying to teach?

Let me know in the comments!

Quick plug: go to the following website to register for the Office of Distance Education and eLearning workshops, maybe I will see you there!

Have a great day and GO BUCKS!