Update 2

Due to the Coronavirus, Ohio State has cancelled classes until March 30th. This has set me back in schedule since I was going to take final measurements after spring break. I will not be returning to Columbus until school resumes, therefore I will not be able to to collect measurements until after the April 1st deadline. There are three measurements that need to be taken. After the first measurement, the samples need to be etched and the machine takes time to start up/shut down. This takes time and all measurements should be done in the same day so Friday, April 3rd, is the best day when I can complete all data collection.

Update 1

The photolithography process is complete. After checking the results under the microscope it was discovered that the resist had been removed in areas that were not supposed to be removed. This was the same for all three samples. Therefore it was assumed that the mask that was used was dirty. One of the samples also had black square markingings. After consulting with my supervisor it was determined that the black marks were from a defect in the crystal structure of the silicon wafer. Even though the samples aren’t perfect, they are still good to use in the etching process.