First Year In Review

Coming into college I had a lot of ideas about what I wanted to do and what experiences I would have. While some of the things I wanted to do didn’t happen, I did have a lot of experiences that I enjoyed.

At the beginning, I wanted to be really involved in clubs, exercise, and go out with my friends. Yet I soon realized that I wouldn’t be able to do everything because I wanted to focus more on my school work. The problem was that then I would only do school work and do things by myself. It wasn’t until the end of the year that I found a balance between school work and socializing.With that also came better time management and recognizing that the way I study isn’t the best for me.

Wile I may have not been involved in clubs I did make sure to get involved in what I was already doing. I took the lead in my engineering class first semester be organizing them structure of our final game that we coded and in second semester we the lead in designing or prototype vehicle and testing it. Also in second semester I became the president/leader of the service committee for STEM and look forward to continuing for next semester.

With all of this I feel that I have matured and become more independent. I no long have my parents near by to watch over my well being and academics, therefore I have to recognize when I need help/what I need to do to remain healthy both physically and mentally.


Looking towards the future I want to improve my study habits as well as being involved in things outside of academics. I will be completing the second year capstone for STEM EE as well as being a TA for the STEM EE class. My second year will also involve STEP where I will get to create another project as well as meet faculty and students.

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