One of the STEM events I attended included the ACCAD open house. I had never heard of this resource at the university but I thought it was incredibly interesting. The Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design. The purpose of the center is to combine the arts with the sciences in order to focus on research in animation and interactive media.
The one of the projects I thought was most interesting was one I found of the ACCAD website titled “The Course of An Empire: A Digital Exploration” by Zach Winegardner. This project captured my attention because of it was able to tie in history, art, mathematics, and programming which I all find interesting.
Winegardner created a tool that allowed him to overlay 5 oil painting along with lines representing the golden rule (splitting the canvas into three sections) and the Fibonacci swirl. His presentation included a video which involved overlay transitions which established a connection between the design of all of the paintings.The analysis of the connections between the paintings “leads to new questions asked about the paintings and a more directed review of its current information. These culminate in a greater understanding of the work in a personal, engaging, and contemporary setting” (Zach Winegardner).
The following link is Winegardner’s video:
I always think it is cool when STEM topics can be combined with the arts since they are usually seen as opposites. But the ACCAD shows the importance of interdisciplinary work and that it can be done. I look forward to the future projects students will create and hope to incorporate ideas from other disciplines in my work as I more into the future.