Over this first semester I have learned how to study better which helped reduce stress. Towards the beginning and middle of the semester I didn’t know how to study correctly because I would do fine in high school just by quickly reviewing the material. This, along with a more difficult course load gave me more stress than I had usually experienced. It even lead to me getting multiple sties throughout the semester.
It was during one of my survey classes in the middle of the semester that I learned how to study in a way where I was actively learning. A presenter from the Denis Learning Center came and gave a presentation on studying and test taking skills. I found it very helpful and tried out some of the studying tips she suggested.
The main one that really helped me was setting up a 5-7 day plan to spread out my studying. You use the first day to prepare review materials. The next day you review the hardest material from the class using what you prepared the day before and once you’re finished, you prepare the material for the next day. The next day you practice the next hardest topic, review previous material, and prepare material for the next day. By the end you have reviewed the hardest material for about 5-7 days and the easiest for 1. I did this for my math midterm and I felt very prepared for the test. I did very well and plan to use this study method for my finals for this semester and onward.
This plan helped me because it made me have a set time to study which made me more motivated to start studying. Having materials that prevented my from putting it off for not knowing what to review. It also prevented me from just studying the easy material because I wouldn’t have to put as much effort. This studying plan helped me become a more organised and successful student.