Second Year in Review

My second year at OSU started out even better than the first!

Academically, I began taking courses that were focused on my degree. These courses gave me a better insight on what chemical engineering is about and I really enjoyed them even though they were difficult. I was able to find a studying format that worked for me and began a study group with some students that I shared several classes with.

I became more involved with STEM Scholars by being a Teaching Assistant and a First-Year Mentor. I enjoyed both positions and would do them again but I will be working at OSU’s nanotech facility. I began working there in September and have enjoyed learning about nanofabrication and being in the lab.

Of course, Covid-19 affected class at OSU which meant that after spring break, classe were online. The transition was difficult but I am glad that the university and my professors were flexible and accommodating to the situation. I was also disappointed because I had planned to do my STEP project over the summer. It was going to be a research opportunity at the University of Louisville focused on using nanotechnology to asses cell-transfection. I still have the position for Summer 2021, but I would be much more interested in an internship since I want to go into the workforce after graduating.

I look forward to my third year at OSU. It will certainly be different since I now have a mix of online and in-person classes but I look forward to seeing my friends (taking proper precautions) and getting to live in an apartment!

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