What a great way to start the New Year by welcoming our newest lab member and graduate student, Brian Ault (Biological Sciences Graduate Program)!



First Annual Pumpkin Painting Pizza Party! And the winning pumpkin was… the elephant by Matt!


Congratulations to Megan for her successful poster presentations at the 2024 OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Meeting!

Sadiya ended her CAMELOT summer research experience with a fantastic poster presentation!

Welcome to the lab, Manas, as an undergraduate researcher!

Welcome to the lab, Sadiya, as a CAMELOT CREATES-High School summer researcher!

Another amazing American Brain Tumor Association BT5K run/walk here in Columbus! We again brought back the “Try out being a scientist” activity where participants can learn how we grow cancer cells in the lab but by using glitter! Proud to have had the opportunity to speak about the importance of cancer research and the incredible support the ABTA gives to brain tumor researchers.

BT5K 2024_14_movie

Congratulations to Juhi for another successful poster presentation at the 2024 OSUMC Trainee Research Day!

Congratulations to Juhi for a successful poster presentation at the 2024 OSU Spring Undergraduate Research Festival!

Congratulations to Juhi for being selected as a Pelotonia Undergraduate Scholar!



We are thrilled that Megan DeWalt (Biological Sciences Graduate Program) has joined the lab for her PhD work!

We are thrilled to share our work identifying enrichment in mitosis as a robust approach to increase the efficacy of radiotherapy for GBM out in Cancers this month.

Improving Localized Radiotherapy for Glioblastoma via Small Molecule Inhibition of KIF11.

Tallman MM, Zalenski AA, Stabl I, Schrock MS, Kollin L, de Jong E, De K, Grubb TM, Summers MK, Venere M.
Cancers. doi: 10.3390/cancers15123173.


Congratulations to Dr. Ben Stromberg (Summers lab) for a phenomenal dissertation defense!


Another fantastic year at the ABTA BT5K run/walk here in Columbus as “Team Running for Research”. It was an honor to get to speak at the event to underscore how important the funding mechanisms are that donor dollars and events like this support! A big hit again this year was fun, hands-on science for kids and adults attending the event!



Today we got the official Notice of Award from the NCI/NIH for our collaborative R01 grant with Drs. Steven Mack (St. Jude; MPI) and Nick Foreman (University of Colorado School of Medicine; co-I) focused on understanding the biology of pediatric ependymoma to find new treatments. We are so thankful to have the resources to move this exciting work forward!

We had a wonderful celebration dinner for Miranda and Morgan (Summers lab) as they transition to their next adventures!


Congratulations to Dr. Miranda Montgomery Tallman for a phenomenal dissertation defense!

Welcome to the lab, Juhi, as an undergraduate researcher!



Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded the 2021-2022 Radiation Oncology Best Research Presentation Award!

Congratulations to Miranda for being tied for second place for her talk at the annual BSGP Retreat!

Welcome to the lab, Sammy, as an undergraduate researcher!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded the  Basic Science Category Best Poster at the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Scientific Meeting!

First annual Pelotonia kayaking fundraiser held by the Department of Radiation Oncology Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

The Venere and Summers labs supporting a Pelotonia Team Buckeye bake sale fundraiser-yum!

The lab once again participated in the ABTA BT5K run/walk here in Columbus as “Team Running for Research”. This year included fun, hands-on science for kids attending the event!


Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded a 2021 Radiation Oncology Outstanding Journal Club Award and to Abby for being awarded a Radiation Oncology Best Research Presentation Award!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded the Michael L. Hess Prize for Cancer Research Excellence at the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Scientific Meeting!

Congratulations to Dr. Abby Zalenski for a phenomenal dissertation defense!

Welcome to the lab, Ian, as our new Research Assistant!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded Honorable Mention for her oral presentation at the annual Hayes Forum!

Congratulations to Abby and Miranda who both are first authors on book chapters. Abby on cancer stem cell models in glioma and Miranda on cancer stem cells in pediatric brain tumors.

Congratulations to Miranda for being selected to give an oral presentation at the annual Hayes Forum!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded a Pelotonia Graduate Fellowship Award!

Virtual lab get-together to celebrate all of the lab accomplishments in 2020 and ring in the New Year! Venere Lab Jeopardy continues!



Article out today from the OSU College of Engineering highlighting our collaboration and awarded R21 with the Chalmers lab!                                  

Our article on treating GBM with CBL0137 and radiotherapy came out online today in Cancer Letters!

The small molecule drug CBL0137 increases the level of DNA damage and the efficacy of radiotherapy for glioblastoma.

Tallman MM, Zalenski AA, Deighen AM, Schrock MS, Mortach S, Grubb TM, Kastury PS, Huntoon K, Summers MK, Venere M.
Cancer Letters.  doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2020.11.027.


Congratulations to Miranda for being selected to give a talk at the annual BSGP Retreat and then winning a $1,000 Travel Award for that talk!

Way to go Venere and Summers lab Pelotonia Fellows (Ben, Abby, and Preetham) for being fundraising leaders!

Our article exploring the role of KIF11 in ciliogenesis came out today  in Scientific Reports!

An interphase pool of KIF11 localizes at the basal bodies of primary cilia and a reduction in KIF11 expression alters cilia dynamics.

Zalenski AA, Majumder S, De K, Venere M.
Sci Rep. 2020 Aug 18;10(1):13946. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70787-4.


Congratulations to Abby for being awarded a 2020 Radiation Oncology Outstanding Journal Club Award and a $2,500 travel award along with it!

Welcome to the lab, Eliane, as an undergraduate researcher (even if unofficial for now)!

We have had many virtual Venere Lab Social Hours during these past months but we finally had a physically distanced, in-person Social Hour where Abby started what we hope will be a new lab tradition of the extremely fun and very funny Venere Lab Jeopardy!

Congratulations to Miranda for passing candidacy!

Congratulations to Sherry for graduating from OSU and starting at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine!
Congratulations to Katie for graduating from OSU and starting the Master of Science in Nursing program at OSU on your way to becoming a Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner!

Congratulations to Abby for being awarded a Pelotonia Graduate Fellowship Award!
Congratulations to Preetham for being awarded a Pelotonia Undergraduate Fellowship Award!

Congratulations to Miranda for a successful virtual poster presentation at the 2020 Annual College of Medicine Trainee Research Day!

Welcome to the lab, Luke, as our new lab manager!

Congratulations to Sherry for a successful poster presentations at the 2020 Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum!

Congratulations to Abby for being selected to present at and then winning 3rd best poster presentation in Biological Sciences at the 2020 Annual Hayes Graduate Research Forum!



Congratulations to Miranda and Abby for successful poster presentations at the 2019 Society for Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting!


Congratulations to Sherry for a successful poster presentations at the 2019 OSU Autumn Undergraduate Research Festival!

Celebration dinner for Kuntal and Debjani as they transition to research positions at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded a slot on the Systems and Integrated Biology T32!

The lab participated in the ABTA BT5K run/walk here in Columbus for the third straight year as “Team Running for Research”. Monica and our collaborator, Justin Lathia (Cleveland Clinic), spoke at the event.

Congratulations to Abby for passing candidacy!

Congratulations to Abby for being awarded the 2019 Radiation Oncology Best Presentation Award and a $2,500 travel award along with it!!

Congratulations to Kuntal and Miranda for successful poster presentations at the 2019 OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual Meeting!


Congratulation to Amanda for graduating from OSU and starting the Master of Science in Nursing program at OSU on your way to becoming a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner!


Our article elucidating attenuated activity of the APC/C E3 ligase in CSCs came out today  in Molecular Cancer Research!

Hyperphosphorylation of CDH1 in Glioblastoma Cancer Stem Cells Attenuates APC/CCDH1 Activity and Pharmacologic Inhibition of APC/CCDH1/CDC20 Compromises Viability.

De K, Grubb TM, Zalenski AA, Pfaff KE, Pal D, Majumder S, Summers MK, Venere M.
Molecular Cancer Research.  doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-18-1361.


Our collaborative article with the Chalmers Lab exploring magnetic separation of CSCs came out today in Biotechnology and Bioengineering!

Quantitative characterization of the regulation of iron metabolism in glioblastoma stem-like cells using magnetophoresis.

Park KJ, Kim J, Testoff T, Adams J, Poklar M, Zborowski M, Venere M*, Chalmers JJ*.
Biotechnol Bioeng.  doi: 10.1002/bit.26973.*co-corresponding authors


Monica presenting at the inaugural American Cancer Society’s ResearcHERs meeting!

The Venere Lab hosted Tyler Alban from the Lathia Lab/Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute to give what was a phenomenal talk to members of the OSU Radiation Oncology Department.

Congratulations to Miranda for a successful poster presentation at the 2019 OSU College of Medicine Research Trainee Day!

Congratulations to Miranda for being awarded the 2019 Basic Radiation Oncology Seed Grant!

Congratulations to Treg for getting accepted to Cleveland Clinic’s Molecular Medicine PhD Program!

Congratulations to Amanda for getting accepted to OSU’s College of Nursing Grad-Entry Master’s program!