All clinical and laboratory (includes simulation and XR) are mandatory, as scheduled. Clinical and laboratory hours planned and delivered are submitted to the Ohio Board of Nursing. Any missed hours must be made up to meet the course and Ohio Board of Nursing requirements.
Students missing assigned clinical hours extending past one week may not be able to pass the course*. Missed clinical and lab hours must be completed to meet the requirements of the course. Student may risk progression in the program if clinical/lab hours are not completed. Due to holiday schedules and other circumstances, make-up clinical/lab experiences may be limited and outside of the regularly scheduled clinical/lab day.
*example – If a course has 6 hours of clinical scheduled a week and a student misses more than 6 hours, the student may not be able to pass the course due to needing an extensive amount of make-up hours to complete the clinical time required
It is recognized that extenuating circumstances do occur that are unforeseen and/or unavoidable. This may include serious illness, hospitalization, accident, military duty, etc. and these situations will be reviewed with the Director of Prelicensure Programs. Events NOT considered extenuating, include but are not limited to work, vacations, weddings, airline flights, etc.
If you have on-going health issues that may impede your ability to attend clinicals as scheduled, you are encouraged to make an appointment with Student Life Disability Services (SLDS).