Dual Degree Policy

Undergraduate students in the College of Nursing can be enrolled concurrently in another college to complete the degree requirements of both colleges. Students are required to complete the requirements for each degree as set by the departments offering the programs. In this case students will receive two separate diplomas upon graduation. Students interested in this option should contact the College of Nursing Office of Student Affairs and Success as dual degrees must be petitioned and approved. Students pursuing this option will likely extend their education beyond the traditional 4 years. While we support a student’s desire to pursue a dual degree, as a nursing student, your first priority is the nursing coursework. Clinical pathways and schedules cannot be altered to accommodate dual degrees.

The following are the policy guidelines for Dual Degrees:

1. You will be required to fulfill the general education courses for both degrees, if your second degree requires a foreign language, you must fulfill that requirement even though it is not required for the College of Nursing.
2. You must complete a minimum of 151 total credit hours.
3. You must complete a minimum of 57 upper division hours.
4. You will need to meet with an advisor in the college of your second degree to plan your curriculum and degree requirements.

Please contact your academic advisor for more information.