Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is the timeline for writing a thesis and the process of completing my research
Answer: Please refer to the milestones on page 4. The milestones are provided to guide your
work. You are encouraged to meet with your faculty mentor if modifications are needed. Your
faculty mentor will support you as you complete your research project and thesis.

Question: How often should I meet with my mentor?
Answer: You and your mentor will determine the frequency of meetings. You will be assigned
a mentor during autumn semester. During your first meeting, you and your mentor can begin
establishing a set of expectations.

Question: How should I get started working on my literature review; writing my research thesis,
compiling my research poster for presentation?
Answer: Your faculty mentor will help you complete your research project and thesis.
Additionally, the topics discussed in the honors courses will help prepare you to complete your

Question: What should I do if I am having trouble getting in contacting my research mentor?
Answer: You and your faculty mentor will establish a set of expectations. The expectations
should include standards related to communication, the frequency of meetings, and
milestones/deadlines. You and your faculty mentor should discuss the preferred method of

Question: Will I have trouble fitting my Honors classes into my class schedule?
Answer: Please refer to page 7 for a sample course schedule. The curriculum is designed to
accommodate the Honors courses.

Question: What are the benefits of enrolling in the College of Nursing Honors Program?
Answer: The benefits of being a part of the Honors Program include:

  • Presenting at major research conferences
  • Generating new evidence to guide nursing practice and improve health outcomes
  • Potentially submitting research findings to nursing and other healthcare journals
  • Graduating from OSU with “Honors Research Distinction in Nursing”
  • Valuable preparation for graduate school
  • Priority registration