Grade Changes
A change of grade is made only when an error has been discovered in the evaluation or recording of a grade. In no case will a grade be revised in accordance with criteria other than those applied to all students in the class (e.g., extra credits cannot be granted to one student but not offered to all in the class). Action to change a grade must be initiated before the end of the second succeeding semester or session. For more information, see rule 3335-8-23.
Grade Grievance Procedures
If a student believes that a procedural error in grading was made as defined in the OSU Board of Trustees rule 3335-8-23 paragraph (A), the student should meet with the instructor. If the instructor does not agree that a procedural error was made, the student may request a review by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs shall respond to the student no later than thirty days after the student has requested a review.
Upon receipt of the Associate Dean of Academic Affair’s response, if the issue is not
resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the student may within two weeks request in writing, by duplicate submission to the College of Nursing Dean, Vice Dean, and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, a review by a College of Nursing Faculty Review Committee appointed by the Vice Dean. The Faculty Review Committee shall consult both the student and the instructor and shall determine the validity of the grade grievance due to grading procedures as described n the OSU Board of Trustees rule 3335-8-23 paragraph (B). The Faculty Review Committee will provide its findings in writing to the student, the instructor, and the College of Nursing Dean, Vice Dean, and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, within thirty days of the student’s written request for a Faculty Review Committee.
Unresolved cases of grade grievance due to grading procedures are subject to paragraph (B) of rule 3335-8-23; unresolved cases of grade grievance due to other causes are not subject to paragraph (B) of this rule. For more information see the OSU Board of Trustees university rule 3335-8-23.
Faculty Review Committee Composition
- The Vice Dean appoints a Faculty Review Committee within 2 weeks of receipt of the student’s written request for a Faculty Review Committee.
- The Faculty Review Committee will consist of one representative from either the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees or an appropriate alternate, and two other faculty members, all of whom are voting members and can review the grade grievance without prejudice.
- The Vice Dean appoints the chair of the Faculty Review Committee from among the three members of the committee.
- If the grievance concerns a grade for a clinical course, a clinical faculty member shall serve as a member of the Faculty Review Committee.
- The College Secretary serves as a non-voting ex officio member of the Faculty Review Committee.
Faculty Review Committee Procedures
- The Vice Dean provides the Hearing Committee with the grade grievance documentation from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and arranges for a Faculty Review Committee meeting with the stude
- The Faculty Review Committee consults the instructor for the course prior to the meeting with the student.
- The student may have one person present at the Faculty Review Committee meeting to provide advice and/or su The support person may only counsel the student and may not actively participate in the committee consultation with the student.
- The student will complete and sign a Student Consent Form to authorize the presence of the support person at the meeting and for discussion of the student’s academic record with the support person at the Faculty Review Committee meeting.
- When applicable, an Authorization to Release Information form (FERPA form) also will be completed and signed by the student to provide authorization for the release of information in educational records to a support person who is present at the Faculty Review Committee meeting, which will disclose the name and address of the person/agency to receive information and the purpose of the information to be released in relation to the role of the support person at the meeting.
- At the start of the meeting, the Faculty Review Committee chairperson provides an orientation to procedures, including the confidentiality of committee proceedings.
- The Faculty Review Committee chairperson shall make a tape recording of the hearing.
- There will be the opportunity at the Faculty Review committee meeting for the student to present his/her concern about his/her grade in relation to procedural error in grading. Unresolved cases of grade grievance due to grading procedures are subject to paragraph
(B) of rule 3335-8-23; unresolved cases of grade grievance due to other causes are not subject to paragraph (B) of this rule.
- The Faculty Review Committee will have the opportunity to discuss the matter with the student until any necessary information has been gathered and clarified. Following this process, the student and any support person will be excused from the room so that the committee can go into a closed untaped session to discuss the evidence and render a decisio
- An outcome of either “no procedural error in grading” or “procedural error in grading” is based on the greater weight of the evidence. The Faculty Review Committee will provide its findings in writing to the student, the instructor, and the College of Nursing Dean, Vice Dean, and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, within thirty days of the student’s written request for a Faculty Review Committee.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
The Ohio State University College of Nursing follows FERPA laws regarding educational privacy. Please visit the Registrar’s website for guidance on FERPA located here.
Classroom Conduct
Honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility are expected student classroom behavior. Cell phones, pagers, and other types of communication devices are to be turned off and stored out of sight. Any student found to be using a communication device during an exam will be given a grade of zero for the exam. For online exams and quizzes outside of the classroom, it is expected that students not share test questions, answers or exam related material. Students found to be in violation may be reported to the Committee on Academic Misconduct.
Procedures for Notifying Students of Changes in Program Policies
Program policies are reviewed annually and modified for the incoming class. Upon admission to the baccalaureate program, all students receive a student handbook with policies and procedures that are applied while a student is enrolled in the program.
Students will be notified of changes to program policies by the Office of Student Affairs. All nursing students will receive notification of changes to program policies to their OSU email address. Printed student handbooks will be updated annually. Student handbooks available in electronic format on the student web site will be updated immediately. Program policy changes made during the academic year will include an effective date and indicate if the change impacts currently enrolled students. No program policy changes will be implemented retroactively that could negatively impact student progression or program completion.
Cell Phone and E-Transmission Policy
The use of cell phones is prohibited during class/seminar/clinical with the exception of break times. Students who need to have a cell phone on for emergency purposes should discuss the issue with the designated faculty course head. Students found in violation of this policy should be aware that faculty have the option of lowering the course grade and/or reporting the violation to the academic/professional misconduct committee chair. Taking pictures of the College of Nursing/College of Nursing property, clinical sites, and patients using any device is prohibited without the written consent of the institution and all parties involved.
Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
Students requesting accommodation for disability for classroom needs are responsible for notifying the course head by the end of the first week of the semester to discuss specific needs. Self-identification is the only way to assure that the faculty member can make the appropriate accommodation. Students should provide a letter from the Office for Disability 098 Baker Hall, 113 W. 12th Avenue; (614) 292-3307; VRS: (614) 429-1334) to verify the disability.
Students needing accommodation for temporary physical disabilities or health related reasons should contact the course head in order to discuss placement options. Students must be able to perform all job functions as required by the clinical placement site. Students may be asked to provide the course head with a letter from their physician indicating physical restrictions or limitations.
Students with permanent or long-term physical disabilities should self-identify at the time of application to the major or as soon as the disability becomes known to the student.