Module 5 – Web Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

This module covered one of my least favourite aspects of school; note taking. I have always hated note taking as I am a very organized and neat student so therefore I would often panic when being rushed to take notes. I also tend to attempt to write every single little detail down from lecture that the professor says, even if it is not very important. This ends up taking me too much time and I end of missing out on the information at the end. This is why I found the “Taking Notes in Class” video particularly very useful, presented by professors from the Indiana University Student Academic Center. In the video they inform viewers of various methods and tricks to help make note taking easier and more efficient. I was able to gain a lot of knowledge from this video that I believe will enhance my note taking which is why I would strongly recommend the same video to other students who struggle with note taking like myself. Proper note taking is a very important skill to have as it plays a crucial part in helping with studying later on as well as help you better understand the material during lecture.

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