Kayaking in Gamboa: Quite the OARdeal

There are many fun things to do in Gamboa, Panama and among those opportunities is the kayaking trip around Gatun Lake that our group took this morning. Gatun Lake is created by the damming of the Chagres River which was first done in 1912 (“Gatun Lake”). This three and a half trip around the lake presented itself with some interesting information and difficulties.

Views from the six(foot long kayak)

Views from the six(foot long kayak)

El Nino is a climatology phenomenon that happens every couple of years and effects parts of Central and South America. It is characterized by unusually warm conditions in the oceans along the tropics and mixtures of heavy rain in some areas and dry seasons in others (“El Nino”). In Panama, El Nino has caused a dry season that is much dryer than usual and many lakes and rivers have significantly lower levels of water. This was illustrated yesterday when we took a canoe trip to the Village of Embera but also today in the kayaks. When looking around the lake you can see tree trunks sticking a couple feet out of the water. Gatun Lake is a manmade lake so it is expected that there would be trees on the bottom but our guide, Ian, was telling us that usually the trees are covered up buy the rainfall but because of El Nino, they remain uncovered. The main problem with this was boats and kayaks running into them but Ian also expressed the concern of getting to close to these trees that could have bee and wasp nests since they have been exposed and dry for so long.

On the far left of this picture and off in the distance you can see the tree stumps protruding from the water.

On the far left of this picture and off in the distance you can see the tree stumps protruding from the water.

If you look around the lake you can see tons of greenery that looks like clumps of lily pads speckled with purple flowers; these would be the water hyacinths. Hyacinths are an invasive species in Gatun Lake meaning they aren’t native to the area and have caused more harm than good (“Eichhornia Crassipes”). Our guide, Ian, pointed out that the plants tend to clog up water ways because they grow in such mass numbers. The hyacinths also litter the lake. When you look out at the lake you can see the massive number of these invasive plants just in one cove. It was quite evident how abundant they are when we were paddling through the hyacinths and other vegetation.

In this picture you can see the invasive water hyacinths as well as a heron relaxing among the greenery.

In this picture you can see the invasive water hyacinths as well as a heron relaxing among the vegetation`1.


As well as a lot of greenery, we also saw a variety of bird like young blue herons and an anhinga. The shorebirds called Northern Jacana are another species of bird that were prominent on the lake. These medium sized, dark brown birds can be identified by their  yellow patches under their wings that are visible when they fly. These birds are very vocal, flying around the lake and they are light enough that they can sit on the patches of water hyacinth. These birds’ mating patterns are very interesting. Each female can have up to four mates and they will lay eggs with each male but leave them to take care of the incubation and young (“Northern Jacana”). I found this very interesting because this doesn’t happen too often in nature.

The Northern Jacana

The Northern Jacana

It is difficult to see a good amount of diverse animals and birds while kayaking because it isn’t always the most graceful or quiet process. However, this gave us a great opportunity to learn about water vegetation. Even though the curse caused me to temporarily lose a shoe in the lake, the kayaking trip around Gatun Lake was a fun and educational experience!



“Eichhornia Crassipes”. UF Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants”. University of Florida, 2015. Web. 21 May 2016.

“El Nino”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 21 May. 2016

“Gatun Lake”. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 21 May. 2016

“Northern Jacana” Guide to North American Birds. Audubon, 2014. Web. 21 May 2016.


Lessons from the Embera

Standing at the bow of a long dugout canoe, our guide skillfully guides us through the stony fords of the San Juan River. He moves with confidence and seems familiar with the river’s curves and currents, using a long wooden pole to keep us from touching the bank. As we move upstream, kingfishers dive from steep rock embankments and glide over the water, disappearing into the forest on the other side. Long vines and leafy tendrils hang from the towering canopy sway over the bank. We approach a cluster of palm huts that overlook the river, and the sounds of flutes and drums dance across the water to greet us. We have arrived at the Embera village.IMG_4193

Prior to making this incredible journey, I had no idea what to expect from our Embera village visit. In the past, I’ve had the opportunity to see the tropics and even interact with local people living in rural communities. But I knew that this experience would be different. The Embera are a group of indigenous people who live along the rivers of Panama and Columbia. More than 30,000 Embera live in Panama, and while some have chosen to live in towns and urban areas, many still cling to the cultures and traditions of their ancestors. The riverbanks that they call home provide them with so many of their necessities- food, transport, and even aspects of their spiritual life. They are skilled artisans with a rich culture that refuses to be erased by increasing urbanization and mounting economic pressure. In addition to giving our group a delicious traditional meal and intrinsic tribal body tattoos (temporary, of course), they also imparted us with something that will surely last a bIMG_4122it longer- a new perspective.

Nature is at the center of the Embera lifestyle. Today the village shaman led our group through winding forest trails, explaining the importance of multiple native plants. Medicinal herbs are used to heal ailments ranging from impotency to hemophilia. Multi-generational homes are constructed out of sturdy palm beams and bark, and vibrantly colored crafts are dyed with the pigments of roots and leaves. Fruits and vegetables, including the best tasting pineapple I’ve ever had, are grown along the fertile riverbanks. And in all of this utilization of the natural resources that surround them, the Embera people maintain a deep-rooted respect for the natural world. So many people (including myself at times) seem to become detached fromIMG_4137 nature. When our food comes to us from refrigerated Kroger aisles and our clothes are made an ocean away, it becomes so easy to distance ourselves and the commodities we use daily from the natural world. The word ‘nature’ becomes associated with trips to state parks and National Geographic covers. Today my experience with the Embera people gave me a reminder that I desperately needed. As humans, we are not separate from nature; we are a part of nature.  And as a part of nature, it is our responsibility to maintain the natural world to the best of our ability, to accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions, and to actively seek solutions to the problems that exist today.  Perhaps if more people could take a lesson from the Embera and adopt this mindset, we could move forward in creating a healthier, more sustainable world.

The Natural Symphony

Not Beethoven, not Wagner, nor even Tchaikovsky could compose the symphony that emanates from the rainforest. Each organism hums, calls, or bellows a different tune, but harmony is created. Mother Nature begins conducting and the brass call of toucans start the piece. This is then followed by a battle of percussion between a troop of Howler monkeys and far-off thunder – the thunder always wins. As the day goes on, small and large fruits thump the ground and tiny hummingbird wings create an excited buzz. Sundown indicates the finale and the listener is pierced by the jarring shriek of bats and then treated to the staccato calls of red eyed tree frogs that keep beat. Amazingly, this symphony is repeated the next day and with time, the listener finds that new performers are added. The natural symphony never ceases its expansion here.

The only problem with this symphony is a soloist. This soloist creates incredible music that is new, loud, and extraordinarily complex, but it prevents other musicians from being heard. The soloist has almost forgotten that they are bound to the accompanying natural symphony and that they could be quieted by Mother Nature, the rainforest’s maestro. You and I as humans are components of the soloist and our species is overpowering the music of the rainforest in a crescendo of sound, technology, and resource use. That is apparent here in Panama, where there are large tree plantations or swathes of property used solely for cattle grazing – all on top of land that once hosted hyper-diverse forests. By no means can we get rid of plantations or farms, but one can only wonder which symphonic players have been quieted.

A concert’s recording does not do it justice and on a much grander scale, the rainforest’s music cannot be experienced through a recording. It must be felt in person. The rainforest is unlike anything heard in a lifetime, but I fear humans are drowning out too many known and unknown players. However, any symphony can rapidly change structure, so it is more than possible for humans to find their place in the performance. If so many other players can coexist and create harmony in the natural symphony, so can we.

Howler Overture in D Major

Foreign Species Takeover

Invasive species are never to be taken lightly. While some are accidentally released, others may be introduced as floral design or food stock- even as pets. If you really wanted to get technical about it, humans could also be classified as an invasive species.

The entire world, since exploration started, has entered a sort of pandemic around the influence of invasive species. While this isn’t really a headline for most people, since global warming and deforestation like to take the center stage, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. Entire communities are rearranged as a new species enters, and sometimes this can lead to the extirpation, or local extinction, of a species. Even others in the ecosystem can be indirectly affected by this change.

In the San Juan River, tilapia and peacock bass are the two species who really impacted this river. While they’re still a good source of food for animals and people alike, the biodiversity of other fish species which would historically fill that niche have been extirpated. Small minnows and larger prey fish have been replaced with the African tilapia and South American peacock bass- which is a common story across Central America.

The Embera people still use these fish for their survival, as do the fishing birds and mammals around the San Juan River, so at least this story doesn’t have to end in complete tragedy. That being said, a lot of fruit in their diet is also non-native. Mangos from Southern Asia, as well as watermelon and cantaloupe from Central Africa, are all fruits grown by the Embera people along the Panamanian river. Of course, they aren’t the only humans to introduce non-native species and use them as a source of food or profit. This behavior seems innate in humans themselves, bringing what species they know to a new place, regardless of what could be found their already. This only hurts the native fauna, however, as they have to compete with new species who may not have any predators or pathogens to keep them in check. Native pollinators may not be able to get the right fuel from the new flowers, or don’t have the hardware to do so. New fruits could be toxic to the native animals, or not nearly as nutritious as the ones which they have been evolving alongside of for millions of years.

Really, this is a problem which cannot be fixed entirely. Some species are here to stay, no matter how damaging and invasive. The priority now is to understand how we can try to keep these in check, and to make sure that no new species can begin to pervade the wilderness. This is a hard law to keep, but knowing that a culture removed from the modern era such as the Embera have accepted non-native species into their way of life just serves as a reminder that nowhere is really safe from the invaders.

All in a day at BCI

Today we took our first trip to Barro Colorado Island! The island was created when the Chagres River was dammed in preparation for the Panama Canal. It then became a nature reserve and since then, the island has flourished with countless species of animals, insects and a wide variety of plant species. Work has been done on the island for nearly a decade and still continues to be done today. Researchers come from all over the world to study the immense biodiversity on Barro Colorado.

cuipo tree

The base of a Cuipo tree is often swollen with long roots spreading across the jungle floor.

The morning began with a boat ride to the island with views straight out of Jurassic Park. Breakfast was served there followed by a brief introduction presentation. We then set out on a 3-hour hike through the jungle in search of whatever we could find. Throughout the hike, my group saw a wide range of animals that can be found all over the island. These included a poison dart frog, agoutis, a tarantula, howler monkeys and capuchins as well as a long list of different bird species. We also stopped to look at some of the various plant species that can be found on the island including various species of palm trees, the Panama tree, and the Cuipo tree.

The Cuipo tree was easily the thickest tree I had ever seen and probably will ever see in my life. Early in the hike, we saw our first Cuipo tree. Our guide told us that the tree was only a juvenile which shocked everyone due to the massive size of it. Later in the hike, we saw another one
which we were told was an adult tree. An indication of how old the tree is can be found by knocking on the trunk of the tree. If the sound is hollow, the tree is younger but if not, the tree is older in age. Our guide informed us that this was because the inside of the tree is spongy when it is young and as it gets older, the inside hardens making the tree thicker so there is no hollow sound that follows a knock. Once we returned from BCI, I was interested to learn more about this fascinating tree species.

The Cuipo tree can grow up to 200 feet in size.

The Cuipo tree can grow up to 200 feet in size.

Populations of the Cuipo tree have been suffering for years due to the frequent harvest of them. Most commonly, the trunks of the trees are used for canoes or sometimes rope (Biodiversity catalog, n.d). Now that the tree is being seen as threatened, it is even more illegal than it already was to be cutting them down. According to our guide, there are many issues with getting people to obey this law. The tree also has many edible components to it. It the root is cut off, the water stored in them can be consumed as well as the seeds from the tree (Cuipo tree – Wilderness Arena
Survival, 2012).

I am excited to see what else this trip has in store for us and for all the incredible tropical species we will encounter!




-Biodiversity catalog. (n.d.). . http://www.ecologic.org/species/cuipo-2/.

-Cuipo tree – Wilderness Arena Survival. 2012, May 11. . http://wildernessarena.com/food-water-shelter/food-food-water-shelter/food-procurement/edible-wild-plants/cuipo-tree.

Monkeys, Agoutis and Sloths, oh my

view from the dining hall

view from the dining hall

Today we toured a portion Barro Colorado Island, a global icon for biodiversity and rainforest ecosystem research. The island and surrounding lands are owned by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and we intermittently passed historical study sites along with researchers and their ongoing projects (like lianas’ function as lightning rods). Early on the path parallelled a huge colony of leaf-cutter ants, which initially wasn’t very engaging as we’d seen them almost everywhere. However, a few of the workers were observed carrying from the mound a dead or dying virgin queen. Without going into detail on their eusocial dynamic, this doesn’t seem like a common phenomenon at all, and I wasted a lot of brainpower puzzling over what factors could have led to her dying in the pampered confines of the nest.

general worker activity, sans princess

My favorite moment was when the group stopped to rest and we were passed overhead by a troop of howler monkeys; hearing the howls every day prior built up a lot of anticipation. The troop consisted of 4-5 adults– it’s hard to tell when they’re not all in view simultaneously– and one baby a fraction of the others’ size swinging in their wake. At least one of the adults were male, and the baby was estimated at 9-12 months old by Alex, citing maturation into black fur and behavioral cues (hovering near the mother but swinging independently). All of them were foraging and lazily popping leaves into their mouths, but two of the larger adults descended a few feet further to the ground, lay stomach-down on thick branches, and stared intensely back at us. Given that we weren’t howled at and they took their sweet time leaving, we were seen as more of a curiosity than a threat, but years of researcher activity have definitely familiarized them to the conspicuously colored ground apes. It was also shared among the group that the howler monkeys were of the Golden Mantled variety, and they have prehensile tails exclusive to New World monkeys AND unique prints on those tails and their fingers.


I regret not being able to get pictures [but Logan and Catherine did, badger them!], so here’s a shutterstock image representing the general view we had.

Since there are only so many hours in the day, we’ll wrap up with some miscellaneous fun facts, the first two relayed by our guide Iann:

Fractured habitats not only affect migration, but create opportunities for increased variety and effectiveness of pathogens.

Bufotoxins (from native toads) can act as powerful muscle relaxers, and selective injections have shown temporary effectiveness in treating arrhythmia, stuttering, and strabismus.

According to WebMD, with the amount of while DEET we’ve ingested, we thankfully shouldn’t discover organ damage until after getting home 🙂

Research on… Research?

When most people think of research, it typically conjures up images of men and women dressed in stark white lab coats, swirling bottles of strange chemicals and staring at computer results before suddenly finding the cure to an ailment. Of course, this really isn’t how most research is done- not the part about being in a lab, but usually the work is much more rigorous, with rewards we may or may not have anticipated. Ecological studies really aren’t much different from that. A null hypothesis is formed, the methods aligned and soon the researcher is on their way to finding out if their thinking is supported in the data. But how does one figure out which methods to use?

In our group project, my teammates and I were faced with such a dilemma. We are interested in the species richness across the town of Gamboa, especially when concerned with small lizards and salamanders. Although two very different animals, they both fill an ecological niche as small predators and prey for larger carnivores. How to catch these guys, however, was a problem. How to catch a lizard which lives to climb? The typical pitfall trap seemed to be our answer but supplies weren’t as handy as we would have liked. Usually, large buckets aroun six to eight inches deep, with steep, slippery walls are used. Flush with the ground, any animal small enough to fit into the mouth typically falls in without even knowing what happened. In our case, we have plastic cereal bowls.

Yup, that is are what we’re going to have to use to catch our quick-footed reptilian friends. Even slower moving salamanders could eventually climb out of this two inch deep dish. So, of course, we had to improvise.

Rather than getting to work right away on our actual research project, our group had to do a little research on the methods we were going to use. How could we make these bowls more effective in catching our target species?

The first suggestion was to actually use plastic bottles, rather than bowls. Dug straight down into the ground, the bottles are small and slender, working as a nice funnel straight to the ground. This is basically how regular pitfall traps work as well, just on a smaller scale.

The second suggestion was just digging straight into the ground and setting the bowl into the large hole. This would also mimic the larger bucket method, as the bowl has more surface area, but our main concern here was dirt. These lizards and salamanders live with dirt their whole lives, so why would a little hole be that big of a deal? Bring in- the garbage bag! Dug out in the same way as the regular bucket, but with a garbage bag taped to the sides, this method was made to hopefully keep the slope more slippery. With less to grab hold of, lizards and salamanders wouldn’t be able to escape our pitfall trap, and we can continue with our projects.

Even though this isn’t as rigorous as an actual researched setting, we still kept out methods as close to similar as possible. All methods were tested on the same stretch of the same building, so our species count shouldn’t vary too much. While we couldn’t control every variable, such as the weather or time of day, we still wanted each container to be in the same sort of location. This way, we can tell which seems to work the best out of all of them.

“Studies” like this help to improve on already known methods of collecting samples and data, and while our endeavor isn’t really to further the scientific community as a whole, it’s still beneficial to realize that you really can do research on anything, even methods of research!

Hummingbirds of Panama

During our second full day in Panama, the group traveled to Discovery Center and Pipeline Road, locations known for immense biological diversity. Among this biological diversity, many hummingbird species native to Panama can also be found. Today, our group saw multiple hummingbird species including the Long-billed Hermit, White Necked Jacobin, and White Vented Plumeleteer filling up at hanging nectar feeders along the trail.

White-necked Jacobin

The White-necked Jacobin can be seen feeding and these birds average 11.4 cm in lenght.


White-necked Jacobin

The White-necked Jacobin can be seen approaching the feeder. These hummingbirds can be identified by their blue heads, iridescent feathers, and white bellies.

FullSizeRender (2)

The Long-billed Hermit can be seen flying towards the nectar feeder. This species can be identified by its abnormally long beak, which is used to consume nectar.

The Long-billed Hermit, White Necked Jacobin, and White Vented Plumeleteer are only a few of the 320 different species of hummingbirds found throughout the Americas (“Hummingbird,” n.d.). The Neotropics are considered a “hotspot” for hummingbirds as approximately 60 species are found in Panama alone. Hummingbirds are known for their fast wing beats and have the ability to beat their wings up to 80 beats per second. This is done to help the hummingbird hover and move from flower to flower, collecting nectar with ease (“Why do,” n.d.). Additionally, these birds do not have a lot of strength in their lower bodies, so their wings act as a support structure (“Why do,” n.d.). The wing structure also allows the hummingbird to travel at a speed more than 15 m/s (“Hummingbird,” n.d.). While hummingbirds can travel at a fast speed, their wind speed takes a substantial amount of energy and in order to conserve energy, most hummingbirds spend their day sitting along branches to rest. At night, some species can even lower their internal body temperature and metabolic rate in an effort to conserve energy.

In addition to having a fast wind speed, hummingbirds have a fast breathing rate, elevated heartbeat, and relatively high internal body temperature, which requires them to eat frequently and in large quantities (“Basic Facts,” 2012). The diet of many hummingbirds includes: nectar from flowers, insects for some species, pollen, and even tree sap (“Basic Facts,” 2012). As hummingbirds must eat often, they can become very territorial over food sources and have been known to chase other hummingbird species or larger predatory birds such as hawks away from their food source.

This video shows two species of humming birds fighting over a nectar food source as hummingbirds can be territorial:

Territorial Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are amazing species and need our help! Many of these birds are either endangered or threatened due to habitat loss and destruction since they are typically adapted to a unique habitat, meaning they can only live within this habitat. Additional threats of climate change are also affecting the species and causing hummingbirds to migrate to different locations they are not normally found in or adapted to live in (“Hummingbird,” n.d.).



Basic Facts About Hummingbirds. (2012). Retrieved May 18, 2016, from


Hummingbird. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2016, from


Why do hummingbirds flap their wings so quickly? (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2016, from

http://www.whyzz.com/why-do-hummingbirds-flap-their-wings-so-quickly2 hums fighting

A Howling Good Time

It’s only our second day here in Gamboa, Panama, and I think everyone is awe of the amazing biodiversity surrounding us! It seems like as soon as we step outside of our schoolhouse here at STRI, there’s a beautiful array of tropical fauna- ranging from tall palms and gracefully draping lianas (a type of woody vine), to incredibly vibrant flowers and a plentiful number of mangos. Yesterday, we all took turns taking a bite out of an almost-ripe mango and learned one thing: when mangos aren’t quite ripe, they’re very fibrous and you WILL have mango stuck in your teeth all day (like I did)…so be forewarned.

Here’s a taste of the beauty that is Panama:

Yes, these are bananas!


Just part of a mango tree, we’ve seen some pretty big ones!

As beautiful (and tasty) as all of this plant life has been, I can’t help but favor our experiences with the animals of Gamboa. This morning, we left the schoolhouse at the prime hour of 5:30am for some quality bird watching at the Discovery Center. Here, we hiked back to a canopy tower and made the climb to the very top. When we reached the top of the canopy, everything we had been looking up at with amazement was now below us and so dense that we couldn’t even see the forest floor. In the distance were rolling, green hills topped with misty clouds, it was honestly breathtaking being up there. We saw what had to be over 30 species of birds, all unique in their own ways. Some were vibrant colors, others had really cool pattern variation throughout their body and wings. Our guide and her wonderful eyesight even spotted a sloth! YES A SLOTH!! From a distance it looked like a lump in a tree. Through the scope it still looked like a lump in a tree. But we were able to see the face as it moved ever so slowly and the black fur around it’s eyes let us know that this was a three-toed sloth (aka the cutest thing I’ve ever seen).

Here’s some of the canopy that we could see from up in the tower:


Pretty incredible, right?!

We were up in the canopy tower for about an hour and what honestly stuck with me the most was the sounds of howler monkeys off in the distance. The noises they make are actually pretty terrifying. To put it into perspective, our TA, Alex,  informed us that howler monkey calls were used in part for those scary dinosaur sounds in the newest Jurassic Park. As you can imagine, it was pretty chilling and it really made me wonder why (and how) in the world could a monkey make such a crazy noise. So I looked it up, and thanks to Montclair State University (see here), I got some answers. To give you some background, howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) are a species of primate whose habitat ranges from Central America through Colombia. These tropical noise-makers have reddish hair and live a vegetarian lifestyle, feeding mostly on fruits, flowers, and leaves.

We never saw them, but google images was kind enough to provide me with some reference:

Screen Shot 2016-05-18 at 8.19.47 PM

It turns out, those eery roars we heard so early this morning, is called the howler monkeys’ “dawn chorus”. Professor Katherine Milton of Montclair explains that male howler monkeys make these calls in the early morning to let other howlers know where they are. I thought it was interesting that they also make these calls just before a heavy rainstorm, because we got a heck of a downpour today and I noticed the loud howls of these monkeys again right around that time! Apparently, howlers are able to make this noise by drawing air into an enlarged hyoid bone in it’s throat (a horseshoe shaped bone that anchors the tongue).

My attempt at capturing their call:

Here’s what they actually sound like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vxlnZ8BihI

Although howler monkeys aren’t carnivores, based on their sound alone I don’t believe that I would like to come in contact with one here in Panama. However, they would be pretty cool to see from a distance! Based on how much we heard them today it makes me wonder if locals think of howlers calling like we think of dogs barking back at home. I guess I’ll just have to become a local to find out!

Here’s some more of my favorite photos from the past two days!


An Agouti!

A tamarin (cute monkey)

A Tamarin!

The group hiking up 24 (yes 24) flights of stairs. All in the name of nature.

Exploring Gamboa

On our first outing today along the streets and through the forests of Gamboa, we saw species we predicted we’d see, others we hoped to see, and still others we didn’t know to expect. Although my brain is currently filled with newly-learned facts and recent observations, I think that it would be more appropriate for this inaugural blog post to reveal some of the sublime biodiversity we’ve already managed to encounter. A few of my fellow classmates saw toucans before our first morning lecture, perched in trees near the schoolhouse. Our TA Alex recognized Geoffrey’s tamarin (a small monkey) on the fronds of roadside palms. Agoutis, which are Central and South American tropical rodents, crossed the quiet roads and moved through nearby residential yards. Leaf-cutter ants marched dedicatedly across impressive distances, delivering plant material to their colony for their fungus-farming operations. A golden orbweaver spider rested on its delicate gossamer home on the porch of an old abandoned house. For those of us who haven’t explored the tropics in the Neotropics (i.e., the ecological region that includes Central and South America as well as parts of the Caribbean and Mexico), there are too many things to see at once and probably already too few days remaining in our visit to Panama.



Geoffrey’s tamarin balanced on the spine of a palm frond (click for full size, look closely!)



A golden orbweaver suspended on its web


The following video shows leaf-cutter ant workers moving about a plant from which they were collecting leaf material:



Perhaps even more exciting are the unidentified finds of the day, especially those that we didn’t know to look for– the ones we couldn’t have predicted from our North American home. Among them were an unusually pigmented lichen, colorful bugs, trees with elusive identification traits, and birds with discerning markings keeping their safe distance. What we don’t know, the parts of ecological stories we haven’t learned– these undiscovered details span broad gaps between our limited facts and anecdotes.



An unusual species of lichen, with red speckling the typical gray-green and outlining the lichen’s perimeter



An unrecognized species, with flowers akin to those of the Mimosaceae but leaves unlike most mimosa plant species



Unidentified bees on a short palm species


panamanian hemipteran

A species of true bug



A uniquely-patterned caterpillar with ridiculously lengthy ‘fuzz’


We stay refreshingly hyper-vigilant on our lookout for noteworthy species. Our meandering walk was mostly accompanied by the sounds of our voices 1) getting the attention of everyone else as we pointed out something interesting, and 2) barraging Dr. Hovick, Alex, and each other with questions about the ecosystem and its inhabitants. Nothing is commonplace for us here (at least not yet), and tomorrow I will start a list of our questions that aren’t easily answered so that we can remember to research them later and fill in the blank spaces of our knowledge, bridging the gaps with literature research and investigative observations. Later on in our course I’ll publish these questions and answers (or, at least, speculations on the blog to illustrate the benefits of first-hand experience for curiosity, inquisitiveness, and understanding.