Nicholas Flores, co-PI
Nicholas “Nic” Flores is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Latina/Latino Studies at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Nic’s current work explores the relationship between HIV prevention, health equity, and social markers of difference within a local community-based context. |
Evelyn Hoglund, co-PI
Evelyn Hoglund is a Lecturer in the Department of Speech and Hearing. As a research scientist, she works with Larry Feth in the psychoacoustics lab. Evelyn is currently researching noise-induced hearing loss with the focus on developing a rapid assessment tool for use after a noise exposure. |
Margaret Price, co-PI
Margaret is an Associate Professor in the Department of English (Rhetoric, Composition & Literacy) and serves as Director of the Disability Studies Program. She is at work on a book titled Crip Spacetime, a study of disabled faculty in higher education. |
Maurice Stevens, co-PI
Maurice is a Professor of Comparative Studies. Their work focuses on cultural performance and participatory leadership/knowledge production, critical trauma theory, and intersectionality. Maurice is committed to supporting transformative change at individual, community, institutional, and systemic scales. |
Appy Frykenberg, Graduate Research Assistant
Appy is a Ph.D. student in the Department of English. Before returning to school he worked in higher educational settings for seven years, most recently at the Student Life Multicultural Center of The Ohio State University. When he’s not assisting TAP, he teaches first year composition and researches representations of race, gender and disability in science fiction. |
Michele Battle-Fisher, Community Partner
Michele Battle-Fisher is the Research Manager of Equitas Health Institute, which is committed to working in the area of LGBTQ+ health. The Institute conducts trainings for the private and public sectors, and collaborates on public health research with university and community partners. Michele is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor with the Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Department of Population and Public Health Sciences. |