Welcome to Chats About Toxic Substances With Reneise

Hello and welcome everyone to Chats About Toxic Substances With Reneise. As a quick introduction to who I am; I am a student at OSU in the Masters Program for Translational Pharmacology with an emphasis in Safety Pharmacology and Toxicology.

 I started this blog site because I am very interested in discussing different types of materials that we come across in everyday life that we may or may not know, are toxic to us and other animals. This site will originally start in connection to a course that I am currently taking but I hope I can shift the tone and focus of the blog to be about other topics that greatly interest me once the course is complete. 

The first four posts will fall into multiple categories that will include metals, pesticides, solvents, and plants. The reason why I am using these as a starting point is because they will provide a wide variety into how toxic substances are found in our everyday lives and start as an easy pathway into what I really want this blog to be about which is toxic substances in skincare and cosmetic products. 

One thing that I think is important to keep in mind when talking about toxic substances is that not everything is going to be a fatal reaction. We have chemicals and additives of products that cause skin irritation and other pathophysiological responses. Here is a link to a video that discusses this concept in detail and is also where I got the image from!

While taking the course Toxic Substances at OSU I have learned about toxic substances across multiple disciplines and cosmetics was one area we did not cover which makes me even more passionate about discussing it in my personal blog site. I also want to touch on other substances or disciplines of toxicology every now again just to add some spice to the blog. 

So in conclusion, I hope you enjoy my posts as well as the supplemental videos that I put in and I hope to get feedback on my content so I can continue to improve the work that I do. Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you come back sometime for more Chats with Reneise.