Year in Review

Global Awareness:

This year, I feel like I have very much developed my global awareness. In my course work, I studied the contemporary culture of the Arab world to enhance my understanding of the people and daily culture, rather than just the language. In addition, I will be studying abroad this May in Kigali, Rwanda which will increase my global cultural knowledge and foster more appreciation for African culture, since I do not currently know much about it. I am also a CORE member in a student organization called Catholic Relief Services. CRS is the Catholic church’s response to international humanitarian crises. This year, I have helped run simple solidarity meals, in which I helped prepare different meals from six countries around the world, and facilitated a discussion about different aspects of culture from each country.

Original Inquiry

In the fall of my sophomore year, I took a course called Political Science 4132H. The class was researched based, and required that I research a particular case being argued in front of the Supreme Court in order to predict the outcome. This was my first research based class, and I learned a lot about how to find credible sources and how to analyze different texts and compile them into one report. In addition, I have met with my study abroad faculty advisor so that I can conduct research about the effects of mass violence on law while I study abroad in Rwanda.

Academic Enrichment

I think my honors contract shows my commitment to academic enrichment because I have really pushed myself to take upper level, and under my political science major even graduate, course work. I chose my majors and minor to help my pursue my future goal of going to law school to be an immigration lawyer. Because I think this is what I want to do, my course work in political science and international studies has focused a lot on law, domestic and international, and human rights.

Leadership Development

As previously mentioned, I am a CORE member of Catholic Relief Services Student Ambassador Chapter at the Ohio State University. The CORE team is essentially an executive board, with a horizontal leadership structure. Through this organization, I have been able to plan several events on campus, including solidarity meals and a Stations of the Cross at the local Catholic Church. It has enhanced my organizational and collaborative skills, making me a better leader. In addition, I will be a Peer Minister for Service Trips in the upcoming school year at the local Catholic Church, and I will get to plan, lead, and facilitate a domestic service trip with about ten to twelve students, as well as train other student leaders to lead and facilitate trips in two other locations.

Service Engagement

This year I have completed several service projects with my CRS Student Organization. I volunteered a couple times at the Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) in Columbus, which helps homeless teens get on their feet through street outreach. I also helped make and deliver hand-tied baby blankets to a local women’s care shelter on several occasions. Additionally in the future, with my role as a Peer Minister for Service Trips, I am hoping to plan a weekend urban plunge in downtown Columbus to help students continue to serve the local underprivileged community and engage with those who are marginalized in the area.


Global Awareness

To work toward the goal of Global Awareness, I would like to experience the world outside of the classroom. Not only do I intend on being involved with cultural organizations, such as the No Lost Generation club here on campus, but I plan on going studying abroad to completely immerse myself in other cultures and idea. During this upcoming winter break following my first semester, I will be traveling to London with the Honors program to learn more about their people and culture. I have also done research on the Global May programs, and would like to take part in one at the conclusion of my sophomore year.


[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


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About Me

My name is Kaitlyn Toth and I am a current first year undergraduate student at the Ohio State University. I look forward to majoring in International Studies, with minors in Arabic and Economics, so that in the future I can become a member of the United States Government after completing a Ph.D. program at the Graduate level. I value service, leadership, liberty, equality and justice in all aspects of political, economic, and social life, and my interests include current local, national, and global news, justice, service, travel, and learning. A career in government would allow me to represent and serve the American people, and influence policy that could benefit others.