The Ohio State University
Managing Stress in College: Your Guide to Better Cope with Your Anxiety

Managing Stress in College: Your Guide to Better Cope with Your Anxiety

“Anxiety” and “College” are two words that we hear together all too often. Anxiety is a prevalent mental health concern that effects college students in numerous facets of their lives. Now I know what you’re thinking, “I have heard all…

Year of Service Synopsis

Year of Service Synopsis

In over this course of this school year, I dedicated 75 hours of my time to 7 Cups of Tea: Online Therapy. This is a synopsis of my service there on a poster!

From Classes to Career

One of the classes that I took at OSU during the Spring 2021 semester was a required psychology class called Data Analysis in Psychology. It was a class that I never felt like I truly understood. I did not feel…

Artifact 3

Artifact 3

These artifacts are from my experiences in RaneBow Balloran Community Council. This is my first time being a part of a community council, student government group, or anything of that nature. It has pushed me to get involved with the…


Global Awareness: Appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences: I went to the Global Expo and I was interested in the Health and Sustainability in Cyprus trip. Original Inquiry: Understand the research process by engaging in experiences: I think that if…

Year in Review

This past school year has been interesting and definitely filled with it’s own ups and downs. This year started with me in high school becoming more and more anxious about what college I should go to. Which school is the…

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