This summer I experienced hell, so let’s talk about it.

So as we ALL know, there is a p*ndemic going on right now. One day this summer I woke up feelin a lil different, and by that afternoon I was fully ILL. I didn’t really notice until I was at Kroger and my body was literally shutting down. Total House MD type shit. I was achey, had a killer sore throat, and the chills. My first though: C*VID-19. I IMMEDIATELY and I mean INSTANTLY told everyone I knew that I was COVID positive and to stay TF away. I was laying in bed under a heating pad for the aches, popping cough drops like they were bars or some other pill people develop problems with taking, and just shivering away. It was kinda hellish but ya know I was not dead yet so I was still tryna vibe. But then…..BOOM: the sequel. I discover that I am allergic to my laundry detergent and wake up with a FULL. BODY. RASH. HONEY! yes I was covered in a rash from head to toe. So now I have to wash everything I own in a new detergent, but keep in mind I cant go to the store because hello COVID+ here, and also my roommate was at work and I am still very much dealing with these symptoms. So I literally GO PUFF laundry detergent and a creme and start my laundry journey and prayed this rash would clear up quickly. Over the next few days my rash eventally went away (“my rash” like ew wtf mason ur a pig) but I was sick as shit still and trying to figure out how to get a test, because I was beginning to doubt I had COVID like frfr and I wanted to know. After a few flakey bitches stood me up for a ride to a testing center I eventually got myself a test. That night, I was bored as…u know….fuck and like I said in my previous post I like EDM. So my gay ass was tryna DANCE sis, but alas it was 3 am and my roommate does not vibe with house. SO I put in my AirPods and was raging around my place then BOOM: yes there’s a third movie. I did a lil hop and SMASHED my tailbone on a chair. BROKE that bitch to pieces. I am crying on the floor for a while but eventually decide to just go to bed before I accidentally kill myself or something. That night, I learned that u cant really lay in any comfy position with a broken tailbone. Not on your front, back or side. So there I am. Sick as shit and needing to stay in bed to rest but also still having to wash all of my clothes, towels, sheets, etc. and to top it off now I have a broken tailbone. What an absolute shit show.

Eventually these issues resolved themselves and turns out, I had strep and not COVID.

Thanks for letting me complain to y’all and I hope this was a little amusing to read and get you through sylly week.

Stay safe 🙂

-That Bitch xoxo

COVID-19 Summer Lifestyle Re-Cap

Hey girlies!!! It’s your fav OSU blogger Mason here and to start, I am honestly excited for this new online adventure!!! Can’t wait to feed the girls with the looks, tips, and daily anecdotes to make us all a lil more “stable” 


With my first post I wanted to keep it pretty lighthearted and talk a little bit about how I personally kept myself entertained and sane during the summer in isolation. At first, I was super serious about my studies. I was reading books and even remembering what they said! It was lit. But then, finals ended and I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I had a job at Starbucks for a hot minute, but that ended up falling through because Karl my manager has a weak masculinity and couldn’t handle criticism from a gay man. He’s gross tho I’m glad I don’t have to look at him anymore. Basically I called off twice in a row (to protest) and then the next day, 7.5 hours into my 8 hour shift they had a different manager fire me. it was hella sus, but humbling I guess. Anyways, after that I really struck gold when I got approved for unemployment and suddenly I was no longer at risk for starving and my cat was definitely about to start eating Blue Buffalo. I’ll have to do a separate post about my ca because 1.) she’s cute and 2.) she pushes me to the brink of my own sanity on a daily basis. Anyways, after i started living on unemployment checks and not working ya girl needed some hobbies and with TikTok being our generation’s new religion the choice was clear: roller skating. I got some skates and no cap I was kind of a natural. I was skating everyday and i was even nailing some wicked cool skate tricks. 

A running theme in my life is that dumb shit stays happening to me, and rollerskating did not change that. So I had to buy vintage skates because the whole world was also buying them but I figured that was not going to be an issue. However, once I started learning jumps and spins… literally all 4 4 of my wheel trucks ended up breaking in the same day and just like that my hobby was ripped away from me. I personally thought it was very unfair but then I remembered that skateboarding was a thing and my balance was getting pretty good so I decided ti buy a skateboard and give it a try. 

And get into this boots the house down realness for your nerves: the skateboard wheel trucks were broken…….the same issue I had with my roller skates :(((((( and I had to do some sus activities to get money for a new and fancy skateboard. To end the skating saga: I have a cute Element board now and you can catch me rolling around sometimes. I was hoping I’d be able to ride it to class and be a sk8r boi on campus but Miss Rona decided that was not my destiny.

If not a cigarette eating skater boy then what was I supposed to be? Healthy??!! LMAO y’all really don’t know me then. Nah I decided instead to get really into witchcraft (also because tiktok) but this actually hasn’t gone to complete crap yet and has been pretty rewarding! I did a money spell this summer for $1000 and it worked and adding an altar to my room was an AMAZING decor choice. Soooooo #cottagecore and spooky 😉 I also get pretty into EDM but that’s CRINGE so I won’t go into detail about that. Deep house is kinda the shit tho if you’re ever trying to find some new music.

I can’t really tell if I’m terrible at this or not lmao

The most memorable part of this summer though was definitely the Black Lives Matter movement gaining the recognition and support it deserves. After seeing more innocent lives taken away and seeing George Floyd’s brutal murder, we as a society truly reached a boiling point and we are still fighting for our black brothers, sisters, friends, and fellow human beings. Living in a city with a legal curfew and getting tear gassed was not exactly fun, but all of us here knew that this was for a cause that was so much more important than even COVID-19 and it was a reminder of how even though we are being required to stay away from each other we can still come together. 

Okay I think that’s enough for my first post. See u soon lov 😉