

  • Global Awareness:
    • To start with, I come from a small country in the heart of Europe called Albania. Even though, it was heavily dependent on other nations up to 1912, this country kept its own language, culture and traditions, making it one of the most unique countries in Europe. After moving to United States 3 years ago, the change in culture and language was significant, but I always saw this in an optimistic way. In this new environment, I can donate and get back from the new culture, enriching my experience and life in the United States. As this school year has started, most of my new friends can now place their finger on Albania in a world map, which means that they are learning something new about this country, thus diversifying their experience. In addition, I am multilingual, meaning that German is my third language. Throughout my academic career at OSU, I plan on joining the German Club and many other diverse clubs as well in order to maintain another culture which was so significant during my previous years. Also, I plan on going back to Albania several summers in order to contribute to the community over there as a part of me is still there.
  • Original Inquiry:
    • The Ohio State University offers a plethora of opportunities in original inquiry, such as research and many advanced and interesting classes, which will better shape us as human beings. So far, I have started my research journey in a field that I was always had passion on, which is biology. I joined a lab which studies stem cells in muscle fibers, and my curiosity on this field has gone to another level. Learning new concepts and ideas everyday, and their influence on human lives, has triggered my curiosity in gaining more knowledge and experience.
  • Academic Enrichment:
    • My dream is to become a physician, and Ohio State University offers many beneficial classes which not only teach you about the profession, but also understanding human beings as this profession requires a lot of interaction with other people. My major is Biochemistry, and I chose this major because I want to be in between biology and chemistry as both these subjects play a crucial role in our lives and the understanding of human beings in general. In addition, many other classes offer different aspects of humans lives, which I plan to pursue in the near future.
  • Leadership Development:
    • Throughout my career at Ohio State, I plan on further developing my leadership skills, as those are significant in being successful in life. Even though I have not had many leadership positions so far, I think that the language barrier deprived me on pursuing one in high school. Now, that I feel more comfortable with the new new environment and culture, I am ready to lead, as I have done before in Albania, where I was the class President. Being a leader is difficult at times, but gives me satisfaction as something done might make the community better and change the lives of many people. Here at OSU, I plan on pursuing multiple leadership positions, as those will later guide me through life.
  • Service Engagement:
    • Dedicating time to the community around us is a valuable contribution that will influence the lives of many people at the same time. Throughout high school, I have participated in different organizations with the main goal of helping the community by volunteering and will do so again in college, as it always makes me feel better. One of the best experiences I had, was the summer of my second year in high school when I went back to Albania to contribute to the community there in topics such as gender violence, sexual reproduction etc.. It is an indescribable feeling when something good is done for the community, and I will do the same for my new community in Columbus as well.