Dr. Carlos Castro DNA Origami Presentation

DNA Origami Example found in DNA Origami Machines and Mechanisms (DOMM) OSU page

About a month and half ago, Dr. Carlos Castro came to my ENGR 1196 MEP Seminar to talk to the class really quick. After this first visit, I was really interested in Dr. Castro’s research since he mentioned how important nanotechnology was. I did some research and emailed him to see if we could talk more about his research, college experience, and life. Before we could meet, he came to my MEP Seminar to give a presentation on Tuesday, October 30th.

Dr. Carlos Castro has a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, however, he is doing research in DNA Origami and has been for the past few years. After the presentation, he offered to give us a tour around his lab. A group of 9 people including me went to his lab and his assistant showed us what they do and how they do it. All his research team is formed by graduate and undergraduate students.

Then, on Friday, November 2nd I met with him at his office. We had a long talk mainly about his research and his college experience at OSU and during PREFACE, The Pre First-Year Academic and Career Engagement Program. I also asked about how I could get more involved in his research since, nanotechnology is so fascinating to me. He told me about a project competition that might happen during spring semester and how I can get involved with his actual researching team during the next fall semester.

Something I was pleasantly surprised about myself is that I was able to keep up the conversation without there being any awkward moments. It is not that I am horrible at talking to people, but sometimes it is hard to keep a conversation with a person I have just met.

I will keep in touch with Dr. Carlos Castro in the future in case new opportunities pop up and to see if I am able to possibly join his research team next fall semester.

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