Jeopardy Game Template for Exam Reviews
by Kelly Wheatley Looking for strategies to enhance your classroom experience and engage students in a fun and educational way? Try this customizable Jeopardy Game Template created in PowerPoint. Use the template as a fun way to prepare students for…
Triangulation of Feedback in a Scholarly Writing Course
Joni Tornwall and Jodi McDaniel refined their assessment strategy in a scholarly writing course for DNPs to integrate three key sources of feedback: instructor, peers, and self. Their peer-review assignment was refined to include: 1. Peer review exercises that are…
New Conceptual Framework for Studying Assessment in Higher Education
Carol Evans and colleagues have published the Equity, Agency, Transparency (EAT) approach to enhancing assessment and feedback in higher education. The EAT framework, tools, and resources integrate several theoretical perspectives in learning and focus on assessment as something we do…