Publication Opportunity for Nursing Students and Early Career Nurses
Nurse Education Today issued a special call for papers authored by health professions students and early career professionals. The call requests “research, review, and contemporary issues articles led by nursing and midwifery students, early career nurses and midwives, and interprofessional articles…
Peer-Reviewing Journal Articles on Scientific Merit Rather than Language
Where should peer reviewers focus their feedback on journal article submissions that fall short of the standards in academic English language usage? What is the best response to a manuscript that seems to have scientific merit but lacks clear communication…
Peer-Reviewing Manuscripts on Scientific Merit Rather than Language
I am often asked about best practices in providing peer feedback for journal article submissions that fall short of accepted standards in academic English language usage. Where should peer reviewers focus their feedback, and what is the best response to…
Rubrics to Assess Quality of Feedback in Student-to-Student Peer Reviews
Are you looking for examples of assessment rubrics for peer-feedback assignments? Use or adapt Joni Tornwall’s generic rubric examples, which are based on those she uses in her own teaching. The longer Quality of Feedback Rubric contains more detail about…
College of Nursing Instructional Redesign Cohort (2021-2022)
If you have completed the Drake Institute’s Teaching Practices Inventory and the Readings and Reflections Exercise (formerly Components 1 and 2 of the Drake’s Teaching Support Program), you are ready to complete Component 3, the Instructional Redesign Program. The College…