Peer-Reviewing Manuscripts on Scientific Merit Rather than Language
I am often asked about best practices in providing peer feedback for journal article submissions that fall short of accepted standards in academic English language usage. Where should peer reviewers focus their feedback, and what is the best response to…
Tableau for Teaching
Integrate visual data analytics into your curriculum with Tableau for Teaching. Tableau offers students and instructors free access to Tableau Desktop and eLearning resources. Request faculty and student licenses and learn more about Tableau for Teaching.
Triangulation of Feedback in a Scholarly Writing Course
Joni Tornwall and Jodi McDaniel refined their assessment strategy in a scholarly writing course for DNPs to integrate three key sources of feedback: instructor, peers, and self. Their peer-review assignment was refined to include: 1. Peer review exercises that are…
Rubrics to Assess Quality of Feedback in Student-to-Student Peer Reviews
Are you looking for examples of assessment rubrics for peer-feedback assignments? Use or adapt Joni Tornwall’s generic rubric examples, which are based on those she uses in her own teaching. The longer Quality of Feedback Rubric contains more detail about…
Clearing Up Confusion: Muddiest Points Teaching Strategy
In a recent presentation for CON faculty, Amy Mackos described a muddiest points teaching strategy she and her team of instructors use in a graduate-level pathophysiology course. The course is a large-enrollment, fully online course with weekly synchronous class meetings….