Nearpod Adds AI Create Feature
by Kelly Wheatley For those who use Nearpod to deliver course content, AI has been incorporated to save you time! This new feature, called AI Create, is available in the Beta feature view in Nearpod. When creating content, you’ll notice…
Tableau for Teaching
Integrate visual data analytics into your curriculum with Tableau for Teaching. Tableau offers students and instructors free access to Tableau Desktop and eLearning resources. Request faculty and student licenses and learn more about Tableau for Teaching.
New AACN Teaching Strategies Database
The American Association for Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has published teaching strategies to help nurse educators implement the Essentials into their curriculum. The strategies are offered in a database searchable by domain, subdomain, concept, and competency. New postings appear at…
Evidence-based practices for writing good test items
Writing pedagogically sound test items that assess higher-level thinking can be challenging, but there are practical strategies to create multiple-choice test questions that can lead to enhanced student learning, increase instructor efficiency, and produce a better understanding of student learning…
Triangulation of Feedback in a Scholarly Writing Course
Joni Tornwall and Jodi McDaniel refined their assessment strategy in a scholarly writing course for DNPs to integrate three key sources of feedback: instructor, peers, and self. Their peer-review assignment was refined to include: 1. Peer review exercises that are…
Framework for Applying Evidence-Based Educational Practices in Nursing
If you’ve ever wondered how to go about measuring and evaluating the effect of new instructional approaches on learners, learning outcomes, and ultimately, the patients for whom your students care, implementation science may provide an answer. Read a recent article…
Rubrics to Assess Quality of Feedback in Student-to-Student Peer Reviews
Are you looking for examples of assessment rubrics for peer-feedback assignments? Use or adapt Joni Tornwall’s generic rubric examples, which are based on those she uses in her own teaching. The longer Quality of Feedback Rubric contains more detail about…
Preparing Students to Deliver Professional Presentations
Public presentation skills are important in academic settings and professional nursing practice. Read about the LASER Blueprint strategy as a way to help your students develop presentation skills they need for the classroom and in the workplace. LASER is a…