Nurse researchers and academic experts provide nurses with tools to advocate for their safety and well-being during COVID-19 in this free, on-demand webinar series offered by the University of South Florida. The program content is designed for nurses and approved…

Building a strong body of evidence in nursing education depends partly on nurse educators’ service as reviewers who are willing to evaluate the quality of their peers’ scholarly work. The Journal of Nursing Education has issued a call for manuscript…
Read about helpful tips for Creating Dynamic Learning with Zoom in a short article from the current issue of Nurse Educator. The authors suggest approaches for creating a sense of belonging in virtual instruction, including ideas for classroom management; ice…

The Health Sciences Library (HSL) offers a guide to help you find stable URLs for library-licensed electronic resources, including journal articles. If you have ever added a link in your Carmen course to a journal article only to hear from…
Are you wondering how your online or blended (hybrid) course measures up to current evidence-based standards for course design in higher education? OSU provides access to the Quality Matters rubric and its annotations through the Ohio Quality Matters Consortium. A CON…
Concept-Based Curriculum vs. Competency-Based Curriculum: What is the Difference? In response to criticism of traditional teaching methods in nursing, two approaches have emerged that have led to some confusion: one is based on competencies in nursing and the other is…

In a recent presentation for CON faculty, Amy Mackos described a muddiest points teaching strategy she and her team of instructors use in a graduate-level pathophysiology course. The course is a large-enrollment, fully online course with weekly synchronous class meetings….
If you have completed the Drake Institute’s Teaching Practices Inventory and the Readings and Reflections Exercise (formerly Components 1 and 2 of the Drake’s Teaching Support Program), you are ready to complete Component 3, the Instructional Redesign Program. The College…
The learning technology tool landscape never stays the same from one time I survey it to the next. New tools come, and old tools retire, fall out of favor, or disappear. Every now and then, it is worthwhile to perform…
Congratulation to the autumn 2020 Scholarship Incentive Program recipients! The purpose of the Scholarship Incentive Program is to increase capacity for authorship and published scholarship related to academic nursing education among College of Nursing faculty. Novice writers were asked to…