Do study guides enhance learning and increase student performance? A recent study says, “It depends.” Faculty sometimes create study outlines with the good intention of relieving students of the burden of identifying the concepts they need to focus on while…
In November, the National League for Nursing (NLN) published an updated version of their Hallmarks of Excellence, a list of 30 characteristics of excellent nursing programs. Are you looking for ideas to engage students in active learning in your classroom?…
We have many excellent examples of teaching innovation in the College of Nursing, but we don’t always take time to share our teaching strategies with each other and the broader academic community. At the January TIES Writing Gathering, we conducted…
As a measure of accountability to our stakeholders, faculty are sometimes asked to estimate how many hours students will spend completing their course work, no matter whether the course is online or in face to face. Calculating a reasonable course…
One traditional approach to a syllabus is to view it as a “contract” between instructor and students. If a problem occurs with disagreement over how the course is conducted or grades are assessed, the function of the syllabus may come…
If you’ve ever felt discouraged by grading a large number of written papers, you might find that a multimedia assignment will reinvigorate your passion for assessing creative student work. Anita Zehala shared her journey through the converstion of a nursing…
The 7th edition of the APA style guide (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association) was published on October 1, 2019. Here are just a few of the changes: one space after a period is officially the preference now in-text…
Clinical and classroom briefs and commentary pieces can be a good way to disseminate the wonderful things you are doing in your classroom and share your expertise. Consider these opportunities to submit shorter manuscripts that are not necessarily based on…
When: Wednesday (10/2), 2-3 p.m. Where: 18th Avenue Library (3rd floor) or in Zoom at Learn More: Communicating data-based information to your students or your target audience for your research can be a challenge. If a picture really is worth a…