SP25 Tech Tool Updates
The Office of Technology and Digital Information has announced some exciting new features and updates within our learning systems for SP25. Canvas has a new AI feature preview called Smart Search. Can’t find something in your course? Enable Smart Search…
Publication Opportunity for Nursing Students and Early Career Nurses
Nurse Education Today issued a special call for papers authored by health professions students and early career professionals. The call requests “research, review, and contemporary issues articles led by nursing and midwifery students, early career nurses and midwives, and interprofessional articles…
Coming up at the TIES Academy in 2022-2023 . . .
We have a busy academic year coming up at the TIES Academy. Here are just a few events we hope you’ll look forward to with us: Early October: Launch of the new call for proposals for our Scholarship Incentive Program…
NETNEP 8th International Nurse Education Conference
Date and location: October 19-22, 2022 in Sitges (near Barcelona), Spain Deadline for proposals: April 29 Submit an abstract: https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/international-nurse-education-conference NETNEP is a biannual conference organized by Elsevier, the publisher of Nurse Education Today (NET) and Nurse Education in Practice…
Building the Quality of Education Scholarship in Nursing: Presentation by Dr. Marilyn Oermann
Scholarship in nursing education is an expanding and powerful force in the nursing science literature. Greater rigor, replicability, and consistency in measures across studies would make the body of evidence we use to support nursing instruction even stronger. Dr. Marilyn…
Syllabus Preparation
One traditional approach to a syllabus is to view it as a “contract” between instructor and students. If a problem occurs with disagreement over how the course is conducted or grades are assessed, the function of the syllabus may come…
Converting a Paper to a Multimedia Assignment
If you’ve ever felt discouraged by grading a large number of written papers, you might find that a multimedia assignment will reinvigorate your passion for assessing creative student work. Anita Zehala shared her journey through the converstion of a nursing…
Introduction to Data Visualization
When: Wednesday (10/2), 2-3 p.m. Where: 18th Avenue Library (3rd floor) or in Zoom at http://go.osu.edu/introdataviz Learn More: https://library.osu.edu/researchcommons/event/intro-dataviz1002 Communicating data-based information to your students or your target audience for your research can be a challenge. If a picture really is worth a…