New AACN Teaching Strategies Database
The American Association for Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has published teaching strategies to help nurse educators implement the Essentials into their curriculum. The strategies are offered in a database searchable by domain, subdomain, concept, and competency. New postings appear at…
Global Collaborations with Nurse Educators in Finland
Joni Tornwall will serve a three-week term as a Fulbright Specialist in Finland at Tampere University this spring. Her collaboration with colleagues in Finland aims to advance innovation in nursing education classrooms, labs, and clinical spaces where they prepare future…
Virtual workshop series: Artificial Intelligence in Health Professions Education
The National Academies’ Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education (HPE) announced a workshop series to explore opportunities, challenges, and concerns around preparing health professionals to maximize the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the process of HPE. Topics…
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Could It Make Tests Obsolete?
Students want to make their own choices in how they learn, but a buffet of options to complete learning activities isn’t feasible in high-enrollment courses. How can we inspire and motivate students to acquire the knowledge we offer? Moreover, artificial…
Fostering Student Engagement through Recorded Content Discussions
by Todd Tussing, DNP, RN, CENP, NEA-BC Assistant Clinical Professor Moving students toward performing at the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy on written assignments can be challenging. The effectiveness of an online discussion-board post/respond-to-post cycle has its limits because students…
Triangulation of Feedback in a Scholarly Writing Course
Joni Tornwall and Jodi McDaniel refined their assessment strategy in a scholarly writing course for DNPs to integrate three key sources of feedback: instructor, peers, and self. Their peer-review assignment was refined to include: 1. Peer review exercises that are…
Recommendations for Group Projects
If you’ve ever struggled with student participation and satisfaction related to group projects, browse these six steps from a recent Faculty Focus blog article for ideas. Thought-provoking recommendations in this brief article may inspire you to take a new approach…
Supporting Resilience and Well-Being for Students
How can we as nurse educators develop a culture of resilience and well-being in the classroom and prepare practice-ready nurses who graduate from our academic programs with a toolkit of self-care resources? Kathleen Poindexter describes a moral imperative to promote…
Faculty Focus Podcast Series to Inspire Teaching Innovation
If you enjoy learning through podcasts and you have 15-30 minutes to listen, the Faculty Focus Live podcast series on creative approaches to teaching may be a good resource for you. Podcast topics present a range of innovative ideas, including…