Congratulations to the 2024-2025 TIES Scholarship Incentive Awardees!

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 TIES Scholarship Incentive Awardees!

The TIES Academy invited CON faculty to submit a proposal to create a manuscript addressing innovative approaches to current issues in academic nursing education. Five proposals were selected for the Educational Innovation and Scholarship Incentive Program.

  • Abby Suarez will work with Tara O’Brien on writing about a six-week orientation program for Novice Nurse Educators
  • Valerie Miller and Sarah Warren will work with Joni Tornwall on “The Great Florace: Preparing Students for Practice through Gamification”
  • Grace Rice, John Welch, and Jennifer Wolfe will work with Todd Tussing on a manuscript focused on DNP programs and the AACN essentials
  • Josh Winn and Megan Amaya will work with Jackie Hoying on describing their use of video assessment of simulated encounters based on the revised (VASE-R) framework
  • Katie Roll, Hedi Bobek, and Monica Lee will work with Elizabeth Sharpe on the “Impact of the Assigned Discussant”

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