The Ohio State University: College of Nursing

Can ChatGPT answer a PICOT question?

Have you ever wondered how well ChatGPT can answer a PICOT question? Find out in the latest issue of Nurse Educator. Can ChatGPT Accurately Answer a PICOT Question? Assessing AI Response to a Clinical Question Branum, C., & Schiavenato, M….

SQUIRE and Guidelines for QI and EBP manuscripts

SQUIRE and provide helpful guidelines for publishing quality improvement (QI) and evidence-based practice (EBP) manuscripts that will support credibility and completeness in your nursing education scholarship. Use these as you write and to double-check before you submit your work!…

New AACN Teaching Strategies Database

The American Association for Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has published teaching strategies to help nurse educators implement the Essentials into their curriculum. The strategies are offered in a database searchable by domain, subdomain, concept, and competency. New postings appear at…