Just Culture Assessment Tool – Nursing Education (JCAT-NE)

“A fair and just culture is one in which students learn and improve by openly identifying and assessing their weaknesses and feel supported in reporting errors” (QSEN Task Force, 2020). A new Just Culture Assessment Tool is available to measure concepts such as “Openness and Communication” and “Fair Reporting” in academic nursing education. The 27-item Likert-type scale measures 6 concepts:

  • Feedback and communication about events
  • Openness and communication
  • Fairness/balance
  • Quality of the safety-related reporting event
  • Continuous improvement process
  • Fair reporting

If you are interested in assessing and reporting on just-culture concepts in your classroom, access the validated survey instrument and read more about Nursing Student’s Perceptions of Just Culture in Nursing Programs (Walker, et al., 2020).