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Student-to-Student Peer Review for Engagement, Active Learning, and Diverse Feedback

Maintaining student-to-student interaction in our classrooms is more important than ever, now that we’ve moved our instruction to the virtual environment. The literature supports peer review among students in nursing education classrooms as a sound instructional strategy that results in student-to-student interaction, and it also encourages deeper learning through metacognitive reflection and increased quantity of feedback from multiple perspectives. To have a meaningful effect on learning outcomes, the literature recommends preparing students with skills in providing supportive peer feedback. If you would like to integrate peer review as a part of one of your course assignments, or if you would like to have a presentation for your students on how to create and deliver supportive feedback to peers, please contact the TIES Academy. We would welcome an opportunity to work with you and your students to implement peer review as a learning strategy in your courses.

Read more about the benefits and challenges of student-to-student peer review:

Adachi, C., Tai, J. H. M., & Dawson, P. (2018). Academics’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of self and peer assessment in higher education. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43(2), 294-306.

Read more about the role of peer review in development as a scholar:

Shellenbarger, T., & Gazza, E. A., (2020). The lived experience of nursing faculty developing as scholarly writers. Journal of Professional Nursing. Advance online publication.