Citation Managers

The TIES Academy frequently receives questions from faculty about citation managers and how to use them.  Writers at all levels of expertise can take advantage of digital applications to collect and organize scholarly resources and cite them as they write.  However, knowing which tool to choose and the pros and cons of each one can be confusing.  Kerry Dhakal, Health Sciences Library Liaison to the College of Nursing, presented three of the most popular citation management options–EndNote, Zotero, and RefWorks–in a webinar on November 20, 2019.  Kerry covered the basics of each system and the reasons you might want to use one system over the other. She provided a table comparing the three citation managers and many other great resources.

View a recording of Kerry’s presentation for the TIES Academy, and learn more about how citation managers can facilitate your scholarly writing process!

View a brief, prerecorded (12:25) introduction to citation managers that Kerry covered in her presentation.  You can access the Health Sciences Library citation tools Lib Guide for more information.