Shorter Manuscripts for Publication

Clinical and classroom briefs and commentary pieces can be a good way to disseminate the wonderful things you are doing in your classroom and share your expertise.  Consider these opportunities to submit shorter manuscripts that are not necessarily based on data but which highlight your expertise and innovative teaching methods.

Journal of Nursing Education – Syllabus Selections

Nurse Educator – Teaching Tips
Brief pieces to share teaching, assessment, and other strategies with nurse educators (250 words that include title, text, references (if any), and bio line at the end).

Nurse Education in Practice – Issues for Debate (2,500 words)

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing – Teaching EBP
Can be challenging to find author guidelines for this manuscript type.  Contact Joni Tornwall(.2) for more information.

Do you know of other examples?  Please share them with the TIES Academy in the College of Nursing.

Janine Overcash facilitated a webinar on the topic of shorter manuscripts with College of Nursing faculty and staff on October 9, 2019.  View her slides and a recording of the presentation to learn more.