3D Wire Sculpture

This was my first time ever working with wire and to be honest one of my first times working on a 3D plane. I am very comfortable with painting and drawing but when it comes to 3D things I am less experienced. This project was really fun but also really frustrating. These pictures depict by rendition of a door knob with some of the mechanisms in the back. The curves and design made it so hard to mold the wire. If I had the time I would get 18 gauge wire instead of 20 because my object wasn’t too big. Other than that I tried to let the curviness add to the imperfections of my sculpture and almost look unpolished. I’m also proud of the intricate work and the different interesting angles I was able to achieve. I really want to improve on overall quality and strength of the structure. It was a fulfilling and challenging assignment for sure.

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