Module 6: Searching and Researching

Happy Sunday everyone!

Today, I will be discussing my findings from Module 6: Searching and Researching. The most useful thing I learned in this module is how to correctly pick your websites out for say, a research paper. It is important to asses a website or an article for the three following ideas: Reliability, Quality, and Utility. Something that I have already put into practice is understanding the difference between searching and researching. A great video to show how NOT to search for something will be linked down below. A quick internet search of exactly what you need is not the equivalent to researching a topic to it’s fullest. Rather, you should look for keywords and asses the quality of the available information. One thing that I want to improve on in the future is going through the three checkpoints of making sure my resources are reliable, have quality information, and hold relevance to what I’m trying to research. The main thing I will recommend to those reading is, when you are trying to research a topic, don’t simply type your full question into the search bar (again, referencing the video). Rather, you should focus on keywords and go through different sources to see which one is the best for the questions you’re trying to solve.

Link to How Not to Search video: