
First, I plan to fulfill Global Awareness by taking classes that help enrich my global perspective. I could possibly study abroad but I do not know where I would go or if I would be able to fit it in with my schedule which will become quite full in the years to come. I have to take global studies for my general education requirements anyways so fitting in classes to fulfill Global Awareness should be simple and attainable. That is how I plan to fulfill the Global Awareness portion.

Next, I plan to fulfill Original Inquiry by researching something having to do with my major of actuarial science. It is a very broad topic and I am sure I will have many opportunities to contribute to research. I could also take some advanced course work throughout my time in college. Many advanced classes are offered at OSU. I do not think I would partake in a creative performance or production as I do not see myself doing that. I should be able to do research and that is how I plan to fulfill my Original Inquiry portion.

Additionally, as for Academic Enrichment, I plan to take rigorous courses throughout my college career. I also plan to take  wide variety of courses that will enrich my overall academic experience. I plan to become an actuary and use skills I obtain in college to help pursue this career and to become successful in life in the long run.

Then, for Leadership Development, I will apply for internships to contribute to my personal, professional and intellectual development. As of right now, I am involved with running club and Cru and can become involved in many more activities in the future. Perhaps, I could join the actuarial science club not only for leadership development, but for increasing my understanding of my major and broaden my perspective on the issue. Involvement in these activities would contribute to my development as a leader by providing me with experience and help me find my leadership style and to develop it.

Finally, for my Service Engagement, I plan to volunteer for service opportunities to help combat global and national issues and to help me to understand these issues. In high school, I was involved in several volunteer services through my church and some I did independently, such as when I volunteered for Volunteers of America during my junior and senior years of high school. I plan to further engage with the community during my college career.