Attending Universities:
- OSU Department of Plant Pathology
- Cornell Department of Plant Pathology
- University of Florida Department of Plant Pathology
- CSU Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Higher Education in Ireland
Previous Exam Examples:
From Lecture:
- The Disease Triangle: A plant pathological paradigm revisited. By Francl, L. (APSnet teaching article)
Useful Resources:
- APSnet : American Phytopathological Society
- Plant Disease Epidemiology: Temporal Aspects. Ameson, P.A. 2001. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-A-2001-0524-01.
- SAS University Edition Quick Start for VMware Player
- Tutorial on Getting Started with SAS
- SAS Training for R Users
- Introduction to Using Minitab from Penn State University
- Download R
- R Basics and Solutions to Common Data Analysis Problems
- Download RStudio (helps increase productivity with R)
- Notepad++ (for saving R code files)
- OneNote Program (note-taking program used in the lectures).
Textbook Authors:
- Laurence Madden – The Ohio State University
- Gareth Hughes – The University of Edinburgh and SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College)
- Frank van den Bosch – Curtin University