Introduction to SAS
The SAS instructional videos found on this page (parts 1-5) are part of a series that serves as an introduction to SAS. This series includes helpful hints for SAS users, including the basic operation, rules, and methods of SAS. Also, this series helps one learn the manipulation of both files and data within SAS, as well as handshaking with other programs. The result of this series will be to get a student ready for the class and beyond.
(Note: these SAS videos do not run in Chrome, please use another browser. Or enable JavaScript and/or download and install the latest version of the free Macromedia Flash Player.)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Contained within the following zip file are files that are to be used with the Instructional Videos covering the Introduction to SAS.
Other Instructional Videos
A tool for evidence synthesis in plant disease epidemiology and management. (Note: this video will not run in Chrome, please use another browser. Or enable JavaScript and/or download and install the latest version of the free Macromedia Flash Player).
These videos provide an introduction to the use of PROC GENMOD in SAS for linear model (LM) and generalized linear model (GLM) analysis. The videos are for a previous Bayesian analysis workshop on Bayesian data analysis in plant pathology. The corresponding SAS file is available on the Downloads page. (Note: if you experience difficulty viewing these videos you may need either JavaScript and/or the latest version of Macromedia Flash Player)