Post Holiday and Household Battery Recycling and more with Keri Murphy!!

Keri Murphy, Lancaster Fairfield County Community Action – Recycling, Litter and Prevention Specialist

The holiday season, one of the most wonderful, but wasteful time of the year. On average, Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day than any other time of the year. Batteries are commonly thrown out during this time of the year. Please take your used batteries to Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Recycling Center or the Fairfield County District Library for recycling. All batteries must be taped before being recycled. Please place clear tape on both the positive, and negative ends to prevent fires. Never mix batteries with other recyclables as it can be harmful to workers and facilities.  Have questions about recycling? Call 740-687-1295 or visit our website at

SOURCE:  Keri Murphy, Lancaster Fairfield County Community Action, Litter and Recycling Education Specialist

Want to learn a bit more about Recycling made easy?  Listen in here to the 88.9FM Saturday Morning Farm Page Interview with Keri Murphy…click on the link below
