In 2023, the poinsettia industry in the U.S. is worth around $170 million. The U.S. has endorsed the poinsettia so much that in 2002 the House of Representatives officially declared Dec. 12 as Poinsettia Day, which in Latin America is also celebrated as a holiday honoring the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe.
Quick facts
Poinsettias bloom when the days get shorter.
The colorful “flowers” of poinsettias are actually modified leaves called “bracts.”
Poinsettias grow well in moist soil and temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees F.
They can be grown outdoors during summer.
Poinsettias are not poisonous, but the sap may cause dermatitis.
Bracts are the leaves of poinsettia that change color depending on light exposure.
Native to Mexico, poinsettias are in the Euphorbia family and are a popular holiday plant because of their colorful bracts (leaves). There is also a species that is used as a cut flower.
They are most commonly used for decorating during the winter holidays but are also attractive as green plants throughout the year.
Poinsettias change color in response to shorter winter days. Poinsettia flowers are made up of the bracts, which look like petals, and the tiny yellow flowers in the center.. The colorful bracts attract insects to the flowers and will drop after pollination.
Poinsettias are not harmful to animal or human health. But they should not be eaten. The sticky white sap can cause a skin rash, so gloves are recommended when working with these plants. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.
Wash tools well after use as the sap can make tools sticky.
Poinsettias come in many colors
You can find poinsettias around the holidays to fit into almost any decorative scheme. They range from creamy white to pink to the traditional bright red. Some varieties have bracts with patterns in red and white, pink and white, or green and white and even bright orange.
Flower forms vary as well with some looking similar to a rose. You will also find unusually colored poinsettias such as blue or purple in garden centers. These are cream-colored varieties that are spray painted. They are sometimes sprinkled with glitter.
Poinsettia Needs
Light and temperature
Indoor light: Put in a south, east or west window where the plant will receive bright daylight.
Indoor temperatures of 65 to 70 degrees F are ideal.
Avoid placing poinsettias where the temperature fluctuates or may be drying, such as near cold drafts, heat ducts, fireplaces, fans, space heaters, etc.
Poinsettias will suffer damage if they are exposed to temperatures below 50 degrees F.
Keep soil moist.
Water plant when the soil surface feels dry to a light touch, or the pot feels lightweight when lifted. Never allow poinsettias to get so dry that they wilt.
Remove from decorative foil or outer pot before watering.
Make sure your plant is in a pot that drains freely.
Set the plant in a sink and water thoroughly, allowing the plant to drain completely.
Never allow poinsettia pots to sit in excess water. Constant wetness will rot plant roots.
You do not need to fertilize your poinsettia during the holidays.
Start fertilizing your plant when you see new growth (new green leaves, stems, bracts).