Selecting the Best Poinsettia

Poinsettias are available in red, pink, white, and gold.  Marbled and bicolored poinsettias are also available.  Modern varieties are compact, durable, and hold their bracts for several weeks. The colorful part of the poinsettia commonly referred to as the plant’s flowers are actually modified leaves or bracts.  The true flowers are yellow to green, button-like objects located in the center of the bracts.

What to Look For

When selecting a poinsettia, choose a plant with dark green foliage and brightly colored bracts.  The leaves and bracts should not have yellow or brown spots or edges.  The true flowers (the yellow to green, button-like objects located in the center of the colorful bracts) should be shedding little or no pollen.

Avoid poinsettias with wilted foliage or few to no lower leaves.  The branches of poinsettia are easily broken or partially broken when moved around.  Check for broken or partially broken stems and handle them carefully to ensure you don’t break any branches after purchasing.  Also, check the plant for insects.  No one wants to bring an insect-infested poinsettia into the home.

 Care for Your Poinsettia

When given good care, poinsettias should remain attractive for several weeks, well after the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays.

Protect From the Cold

To prevent damage from cold temperatures, purchase the poinsettia at the end of the shopping trip, place the poinsettia in a plant sleeve or carefully wrap it before going outdoors, and set the plant in a heated vehicle.  Most garden centers and greenhouses will wrap the plant for you but many big box stores do not.  You may have to request a bag or sleeve to wrap the plant yourself.  Exposure to freezing temperatures, even for a brief moment, may cause the leaves to blacken and drop.

Provide an Ideal Indoor Location

As soon as you get home, carefully unwrap the poinsettia.  It is usually best to carefully cut off the protective sleeve rather than attempt to slide the sleeve down and off.  Place it near a sunny window or other well-lit area.  Do not let the plant touch the cold window pane.  Also, keep the poinsettia away from cold drafts or heat sources such as exterior doors that open and shut or heat registers  Poinsettias prefer temperatures between 60 and 70°F.


Water needs can be determined with your finger.  Check the potting soil daily.  When the soil surface becomes dry to the touch, water the plant until water begins to flow out the bottom of the pot.  The pots of most poinsettias are placed inside decorative pot covers.  When watering a poinsettia, carefully remove the pot cover, water the plant in the sink, then set the poinsettia back into the pot cover. Improper watering is responsible for most poinsettia problems in the home.  Keeping plants too wet (watering too frequently or allowing water to collect in the decorative pot cover) often results in the yellowing and loss of the poinsettia’s lower leaves.  Leaves will curl and drop when plants are allowed to get too dry.

 Getting Your Poinsettia to Rebloom

Poinsettias are intended to be temporary plants.  Compost or dispose of the plant after the holidays when you grow tired of it or it becomes unattractive.

For those home gardeners who enjoy a challenge, it is possible to get a poinsettia to bloom again next season by following the steps below.

December to March

Provide good care as described above.  Place in a bright location with consistent temperatures and water when needed.

March to Late May

Cut the stems back to within 4 to 6 inches of the soil in March.  The poinsettia may also be repotted at this time.  When new growth appears, place the poinsettia in a sunny window.  Continue to water the plant when the soil surface becomes dry to the touch.  Fertilize every 2 weeks with a dilute fertilizer solution.

Late May to Mid-September

In late May, move the poinsettia outdoors.  Harden or acclimate the plant to the outdoors by placing it in a shady, protected area for 2 or 3 days, then gradually expose it to longer periods of direct sun.  The poinsettia should be properly hardened in 7 to 10 days.

Once hardened, dig a hole in an area that receives 6 to 8 hours of sunlight and set the pot into the ground.  Plants easily grown large and lanky.  To obtain a compact, bushy plant, pinch or cut off the shoot tips once or twice from late June to mid-August.  Continue to water and fertilize the plant outdoors.

Mid-September to December

The poinsettia should be brought indoors in mid-September.  Place the plant in a bright, sunny window.

The poinsettia is a short-day plant.  Short-day plants grow vegetatively during the long days of summer and produce flowers when the day length becomes shorter in fall.  To get the poinsettia to flower for Christmas, the plant must receive complete darkness from 5:00 pm to 8:00 am daily from early October until the bracts develop good color, usually early December.  Protect the plant from light by placing it in a closet or by covering it with a box.

During the remainder of the day, the poinsettia should be in a sunny window. Keep the plants well-watered and fertilize every 2 weeks during the forcing period.  While poinsettias are difficult to flower in homes, proper care can reward home gardeners with a colorful plant for the holiday season.

 Is the Poinsettia Poisonous?

The poinsettia has long been regarded as poisonous.  However, research conducted at various institutions has shown that poinsettia is not poisonous.  In one study 22,793 cases of poinsettia exposures reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers were studied.  In these cases, 98.9% were accidental in nature and 93.1% involved children.  There were no fatalities and less than five percent of exposures caused enough concern to seek treatment at a medical facility.  While the poinsettia is not poisonous, it is not intended for human or animal consumption.  Individuals are still advised to keep the poinsettia out of the reach of small children and pets.  It has an unpleasant taste and on rare occasions (less than 8% of exposures) causes gastric upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.

One potential health problem associated with poinsettia is dermatitis or irritation to the skin.  When a poinsettia stem is cut or broken, milky sap oozes from the wound.  Some individuals may develop a skin irritation if the milky sap comes in contact with their skin.

Source:  Iowa State University Extension