In Ohio, ticks are most active from April through September, although they can be active any time of the year according to OSU Extension Educator Tim McDermott.
The three most common ticks that can affect humans, companion animals, and livestock found in the Buckeye State include the blacklegged tick (also known as the deer tick), the American dog tick, and the lone star tick.
To prevent tick bites when in areas where they may be active, McDermott recommends that you should do the following:
Wear light-colored clothes including a long-sleeved shirt tucked into your pants and long pants tucked into your socks or boots.
Apply a tick repellent according to label instructions.
Wear footwear and clothing that have been treated correctly with permethrin. These items can be purchased through many outfitters and clothing companies.
Do frequent tick checks of your body while outside, and do a thorough inspection at shower time.
Protect your pets with an anti-tick product recommended by a veterinarian.
Keep dogs on a leash and avoid allowing them into weedy areas.
Do not crush or puncture a tick, if you find one attached. Instead, use pointy tweezers or a tick removal tool to carefully remove the tick by grasping the tick as close to your skin as possible and pulling it straight up with steady, even pressure. Then, disinfect the bite site, and wash your hands with soap and water.
Save the tick for identification. Save the tick for identification. It is useful to place the tick in a container with hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol; or wrap the tick inside an alcohol wipe before placing it into a container. The alcohol helps preserve the specimen. Take the tick with you to a healthcare professional if you develop flu-like symptoms. For more details check out:
Source: Dr. Tim McDermott, Ohio State University Extension Educator.